Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today Ava turns 5 weeks old. She is really filling out and becoming more animated. The last few days she has been giving us even more smiles. Last night I was getting ready to put her in bed and Nate was just looking at her. She smiled and then she started to giggle. It was the funniest thing (at least to us). We could just sit and look at her all day, amused by the faces she makes and trying to get her to smile at us.

Ava has been quite the social butterfly this week. Like I said in the last post, Grandma Veldman came over to play with Ava Tuesday morning while I went to the eye Dr. Good news, I'm not going blind. Because of the hormone changes and dryness of my eyes, my cornea is reshaping causing me to have an astigmatism, hence the blurry vision in my right eye. The Dr. gave me some eye drops, told me to wear my glasses for a while, and I should see some improvement. I have to follow-up next week at the clinic. I haven't noticed any improvement yet, but hopefully soon! Tuesday evening we went out to dinner with Karina, Molly, and Beth. It was great to see them and catch up. It was nice to also have some adult conversation, not just somebody who looks back at me when I talk to them. Then last night we had dinner with Mo and Kate. It was Ava's first time meeting Kate and she snuggled right into her and fell asleep.

For the past three nights Ava has been a super sleeper at night. We have put her down between 10 and 11 and she sleeps until around 3:00. I put her back down in her crib around 4:00 after I feed her and she puts herself right back to sleep until around 6:30 or 7:00. We are so lucky that she is one of those babies that I can put down in the crib and she goes right to sleep after her middle of the night feeding (she falls asleep like her father). I'm really hoping this sleep trend continues!!!

Tomorrow afternoon we head out for our first big road trip. We will be heading to IA to spend Easter with my family. Hopefully Ava sleeps in the car like she normally does. It will take us about 6 hours to get down there since we have to stop and feed her. I'm excited to see everybody and I know that there are many people that will be excited to see Ava again. Hopefully the weather holds out for her 1st Easter egg hunt, which is a big deal for our family every year. Yes, I am now 29 and I still hunt for my eggs and love it!

Wishing you all a Wonderful Easter!

Snuggled up taking a nap on Grandpa (check out the bunny tail on her butt)
Who has the bigger yawn?

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