After that ordeal it was time to get ready. I then realized that the rash was also on her back. I figured that it was probably a reaction to the amoxicillin even though she has been on it in the past. She has still been kind of cranky and I felt as though her antibiotic isn't working as well as it should so I was going to call the Dr. today anyway. So, I took her into the clinic. Her pediatrician was out of the office today, so I had to see some other guy (whom I was not impressed with). First of all, if you're going to keep me and my sick child waiting in a small cell for 45 minutes you could at least apologize or acknowledge that you're running late. I understand that they have buys days, but my time is precious as well. Besides, after Ava knocked her cup of "puff puffs" all over the floor, it kind of sent me over the edge as I tried to pick up the 50 "A" shaped snacks off the nasty virus infected floor. So, he said that her ears have minimal fluid on them, and it sounds like they've improved dramatically from the description that Dr. Garr gave me of them last week. So, he didn't want to start another antibiotic, but we can do another check next week if I feel she has not recovered from the infection. As for the rash, we're calling it a reaction and adding Amoxicillin as an allergy. So, home we went. She continues to be very clingy, and then woke up with the rash spreading to her forehead and the top of her head. I hope that it's better tomorrow. She's going to daycare tomorrow and I want her to have a good day!
On a better note, Ava has learned a new trick. She can now go upstairs. I stood her up on the stairs this afternoon to see what she would do. She started to climb them like she's been doing it for weeks. The little turkey went up probably 8 steps. Guess we'll be getting those baby gates out sooner rather than later.
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