The countdown has begun. Only one week until Ava turns 1. We went to the "party store" today to try to narrow down a theme. Ava and I opted for the "1st birthday" theme. She's not really into anything right now. Next year we'll try to not be so lame. We're hoping to go and order her cake on Sunday. That's if we don't get the foot of snow that they are now predicting. I'm just hoping that the weather is nice next week for our trip to IA to celebrate Ava's big day.
Nothing too exciting to report since our last update. Daddy watched Ava yesterday afternoon while I went to work an evening shift. This afternoon we went to Ava's favorite little boutique and got her a new hair accessory, and then went to her "salon" for another hair cut. She goes to this place called Snip-its, it's so cute! Grandma accompanied us.
Ava has another photo shoot tomorrow.
Ang ( will be coming over tomorrow afternoon for Ava's 1 yr pictures. Hoping that it's an afternoon filled with lots of smiles! Have a great weekend!

Practicing her drums. She likes to take the lid off the drum and play with it on the floor.
Pjs and smiles...what a great start to the day!

She has been "loving" her stuffed animals lately. She hugs them and then gives them kisses. It may be one of the cutest and sweetest things I have ever seen.

Trying on her outfit for her photo shoot tomorrow

The new haircut. Now she won't have hair hanging in her eyes all the time.

Giggles for Daddy
Already 1?! I can't believe it! Cute outfit for the photo it. And, the themes for those 1st birthdays are for the mommies and daddies to decide! :) It's the only year it will happen, so enjoy!