Tuesday, February 2, 2010

37 Weeks

Today marks 37 weeks, which means Full Term...YIPEE!!! The time seems to have gone so slow, but quickly at the same time. As I mentioned before, everything is ready here at home. We just need a baby. Oh, and I need to pack my hospital bag.
I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and he told me that I was dilated 1-2 cm, and was 60% effaced. Now I know that you can be dilated 1-2 cm for a very long time. However, this was encouraging to me. It's nice to know that there are changes that are happening that are bringing us closer to meeting this little one that we've been anticipating for so long. I think that both Grandma and Grandpa B and V are beyond excited to meet this baby as well.
The last couple of days at work have been funny, as everybody "knows" the sex of the baby. One person "knows" that it's a boy, and then five minutes later another person will come up and tell me "oh, I know that you're having a girl". I'm still working full time, and hope to work up until the due date.
Below are some pictures of the every growing belly. I'm hoping that my belly button will return to an "inie" after Baby V arrives...it's been stretched to the max. :)

Yes, those are wrinkles on my belly from lying on the couch (my favorite place) wrapped up in my blanket prior to this photo shoot.

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