Saturday morning Ava headed off to the gym with Daddy while I went to a triple baby shower for some work friends. Ava was asleep when I got home, and when she awoke Grandma & Grandpa Becker had arrived. We spent the afternoon in Maple Grove doing a little shopping and looking for a new camera for us. We spent the evening in, eating pizza (Ava didn't eat), singing songs, reading books, and playing puzzles. Ava thought she would finish the night off with a bang. After telling everybody good night I took her up to her room to read a couple of bedtime stories. I'm standing there holding her in front of her bookcase waiting for her to pick out the books when she starts making these weird noises. All of a sudden she starts vomiting all over me and the floor (I guess that's why she wasn't hungry at dinner time). She stops and then starts making the noises again. We made it into the bathroom just in time for the second round to make it into the toilet (or at least most of it). I called in some back up while I went to dump the vomit out of my sweatshirt. My mom got vomit clean up duty in Ava's bedroom while Nate dumped Ava into the tub. She slept soundly all night and gobbled her pancakes and orange down Sunday morning.
Sunday morning we were off to church. My mom and I then headed off to the mall and to look at cameras again while Grandpa & Daddy hung with Ava at home. Oddly enough my mom ended up getting a new camera and we did not. :) We got home in time to head to the park before the sun went down. Ava gets excited any time that she gets to go and see "Dino".
I unfortunately had to work Monday morning. Grandma & Grandpa headed back home that morning, and Ava got to spend the day with Daddy since he had the day off. I got home in time to see Daddy & Mema off to a movie. Ava and I spent the evening together. She has been into "climbing" lately. This can mean either climbing on the furniture, or stepping on her toys. I had told her to stop stepping on her toys and she continued to do it...of course with a sly little smile while staring at me. I put her into time out. I had decided that we should start using the kitchen table chair in a corner for time out (as I didn't think that the nice comfy chair that faces the TV and toys was a very good option). I put her on the chair and as I turn to walk away I see her in slow motion...falling off the chair, hitting her head first on the patio door and then on the hard wood floor. If that doesn't make you feel like "Mom of the Year" then I don't know what does. I was up half the night worried that she had a brain bleed. I now have a daily reminder of the event, as she has a bright purple bruise on her right forehead. Now that I think of it, she hasn't stepped on any of her toys since then. :)
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