Ava was allowed to start watching TV about a month and a half ago. I try to limit her to one episode of Dora a day, and sometimes she gets to watch her "teapot" musical DVD if I need to sneak a shower in while she's awake. Well the "one Dora a day" rule went out the window on Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately Ava and I both had a bad cold. It was very difficult to get any rest, as Ava was up coughing all night Thursday and crying for me three times throughout the night. I was exhausted and sick on Friday. That's where Dora came in. Ava sat in the chair and Mommy laid on the couch. I know, it's the easy way out. But when you're that tired and feel like crap you'll do just about anything to make your kid be happy while sitting still. So Dora, thank you for giving me a break. Oh, and thank you to
DVR which allowed me to choose from 31 different Dora episodes that were saved.
Luckily we are on the mend. Ava slept all night Friday night, and slept in until 7:40 on Saturday morning. The massive amount of
kleenex usage has diminished to a slight to moderate amount of usage, and there is no longer a constant cough coming from Ava. Unfortunately Ava is back to daycare tomorrow where I'm sure there will be a
plethora of germs waiting for her. On the upside, I'm so grateful that she still has her tubes and we're not dealing with an ear infection on top of a cold.
Hoping that you all had a wonderful weekend!

Ava & Bunny snuggled up watching Dora

Ava insisted that Abigail had to sit on her lap and that Abigail wanted to color
We have all used the good old TV to rescue us! Mommies don't get sick days, so you gotta do what you gotta do! :) Hope you are staying warm up there!