Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Rufflebutts kind of day

The humidity was high and the thermometer finally went above 70 degrees. That could mean only one thing...time to break out the Rufflebutts. I fell in love with Rufflebutts after Ava was born, and am slightly addicted to them. I've been waiting months for it to warm up so that Ava could wear her Rufflebutt bloomers. I had the day off so we were able to go for a nice walk this morning and then headed to the park after our trip to Target this afternoon. Watching the weather and it looks like tomorrow may be another Rufflebutts day! :)

The first two pictures below are from last night. All of a sudden she loves her Bumbo chair (which I was just getting ready to put in storage). She likes to flip herself around and sit in the chair. Once she gets herself situated correctly she'll look for me and then say, "yay"! Then she'll wiggle her way out and start all over again.

The legwarmers were just on this morning until the temp got above 70 degrees.

Look at that cute booty

We only read this book 12 times today.