Monday, March 14, 2011

1 yr Dr's appt.

We had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Ava and I ran to the mall and hung out while Daddy reffed on Saturday morning. I put Ava down for her nap and then went to get my oil changed. Nate called me two hours later to see if I was almost done. I thought maybe they were at the grocery store. Nope, Ava was still sleeping!!! She took a THREE hour nap! This is after she didn't take any nap for me on Friday. Why is it that she only sleeps for Nate?!? Once she finally woke up, we had a snack and then went over to Grandma & Grandpa V's to hang out with them and Uncle Wes. We had dinner over there and then came home.

Sunday we went to church and then Auntie Lisa #2 and Uncle Craig came over to hang out. They brought Ava a nice loud birthday present. She loves it, so that's the important thing. We'll see how much Daddy loves it when Ava is playing the piano when he's trying to watch ESPN. :)

Today Ava had her 1 yr well baby check. I was anxious to find out what her ears looked like. She still has fluid in both of them (more in the right), but they are not currently infected. We got a referral to see an ENT, which we will do on the 7th of April. I'm actually looking forward to tubes, and hope that we will never have to deal with a month long ear infection ever again. Ava is 32 inches long, and weighed in at 23.13 lbs, with a head circumference of 18 inches. This puts her off the charts for height, 80th percentile for weight, and 90th percentile for head circumference. So I guess that means that she's long and lean with a big head. :) She also got a stronger prescription for her yeast infection which looks Horrible!!! I cringe every time that I change her diaper. She does have an umbilical hernia (which we've known about since birth). It hasn't gotten worse or better so we'll continue to watch it. I'm still hoping that it will resolve on its own in the next couple of years (most do by age 5). They did do a finger stick to check her hemoglobin and lead levels. Her lead level was great, but her hemoglobin was low at 9 (it should be 12). Her Dr. is thinking that it is low due to her being sick for so long. We'll recheck it at her pre-op appointment. Ava did so good and was kind of funny when they pricked her finger. They poked her and her jaw dropped as she starred at the nurse as if saying, "what did you do that for". She didn't cry or even fuss, her jaw just dropped in disbelief that somebody would do that to her. She also go two shots, but did cry with those. It was pretty short lived (I once again gave her ibuprofen before her appt. in hopes to decrease the pain) and she's been fine since.

The sun was out today and it felt SO good. It's even nicer now that it stays light so much later. Nate, Ava, and I were able to go for a short walk when Nate got home. It was nice to just get out and enjoy some fresh air. It's back to work for me tomorrow morning which means that Ava will be heading back to daycare. She hasn't been there for 2 weeks (since she got kicked out due to her diarrhea) so hopefully she'll quickly adjust and be able to nap there.

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