Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cabin time

Off to the cabin we went on Friday morning. Ava, Grandma, Grandpa, and I left Friday morning. Daddy and Uncle Wes arrived late Friday evening. They got a late start due to the bad storms in the cities on Friday. Luckily we didn't have those up north. We enjoyed our Friday evening having pizza with Dick, Renee, Fran, and Ed. Ava had a great time visiting with everybody.

Saturday the sun came out for a short time and Ava threw on her swimsuit for a little photo shoot. Who knew that fat rolls could look so cute on a girl in a swimsuit? :) We got to go on our first pontoon ride of the season. Ava got bored and decided to take a little nap on Daddy's lap. She once again did very good with her life jacket. I think I would probably cry and scream if I were her...the poor thing looks like she's in a straight jacket when she has it on.

Guess what Ava found this weekend...her feet! Oh how she loves to look at them. She was up at 2:30 this morning in her crib talking to them. She somehow managed to turn herself 180 degrees in her crib...not once but twice. This morning her feet were in her face and she was just chatting to them. I think that Ava may also be teething. EVERYTHING has to go in her mouth and she's been a bit fussier than normal. We had a short period of time on the way home from the cabin where I thought we were going to have to stop. After singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", she finally found her thumb and fell back asleep. She is now settled into her own crib for the night. Hopefully she'll be good for Grandma tomorrow.

We hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the pictures below!

Grandma reading Brown Bear to Ava
Ava and Renee chatting. Ava really likes Renee's voice

Ava studying Grandpa

Ava on the dock

Check out those shades

Ava & Daddy on the dock

Ava snuggling with Uncle Wes

Ava is Not impressed with the fish that Uncle Wes caught off the dock

Grandpa, Grandma, & Ava on Ava's first pontoon ride

Found my toesies!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4 Month Appointment

Ava had her 4 month well baby check up this morning. Unfortunately we had to drive all the way to Hudson again since our Dr. is over there covering for another physician this week. It's worth the drive though, I just love our pediatrician (I know, I've said that before). She said that Ava is doing great. She looks happy and healthy. Today Ava weighed in at 16 lbs, 3 oz (95th percentile), and was 26 3/4 inches long (97th percentile). Her weight gain has slowed down from a couple of months ago, which was a little bit of a relief...she was packing on the pounds for awhile there. She's become much more active so I'm sure that's part of it. She still hasn't rolled over again (after she accidentally did that one time), but she is so close. She's got two great cheerleaders (mommy and daddy) encouraging her every day. Ava got another three shots today. I was so worried because the last time that she got immunizations she ran a fever and her little legs got all red and swollen. I pre-medicated her with Tylenol again, and have been giving it to her every four hours today. She has done Great! No fever and her legs are not nearly as sensitive as they were last time. What a relief!!! I was dreading today thinking that we were going to have a repeat of her last reaction. Thank you God for answering prayers!

I head back to work tomorrow evening, and then Ava and I are heading up to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa on Friday morning. Daddy will be joining us after he gets off work on Friday. We're heading up in the morning since it's more conducive to Ava's schedule. She usually sleeps in the car, so it's slightly problematic when we leave in the evening and then she sleeps for 2 1/2 hours right before her bedtime. We'll be looking forward to seeing him and spending some time together this weekend. We haven't been able to spend much time together as a family this week due to golf and me working evenings. I'm hoping that the weather holds out this weekend. Ava has a very cute swimsuit with matching hat that she needs to wear! :)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post when we arrive home from the cabin! :)

Ava & Lovey taking a nap in the swing

Ava trying on her sunglasses as we packed for the cabin today (they fit plenty snug on her big head...I wonder who she gets that from)

Ava and one of her battle wounds on her right leg.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Busier weeks, fewer posts

I apologize that the number of posts have decreased lately. Our weeks seem to fly by with very little extra time to get anything done, especially when I'm working evening. Last week was very busy. Grandma and Grandpa Becker left on Sunday. I worked Monday through Wednesday evening. I've learned that it's a little hard on the mind and body to work three evenings in a row; getting to bed around 1:30 and getting up around 6:30. I worked my 12 hour day shifts this weekend and will head back for another evening shift tomorrow and Thursday.

As mentioned in my previous post, we had visitors again this past week. Aunt Darlene and Great Grandma Schutterle came to visit from Iowa. They arrived on Thursday afternoon after Ava and I got back from our MNA meeting. Luckily they beat the bad storms/tornados that hit southern Minnesota. We just hung out Thursday evening. Friday morning Great Grandma was up and ready to garage sale. Ava was a trouper all day as we spent a good part of the day touring our neighborhood looking for good deals. Aunt Darlene and Great Grandma stayed and watched Ava Saturday morning while Nate and I were both at work. A big thank you to them for doing that!!! We are so glad that they were able to come and visit, and spend that time with us!

We started our day bright and early today. Ava had a PT appointment at 8:30 this morning. She is doing great, but they want to continue to see her for a few more sessions. As she continues to build more strength and gain more control in her neck, they want to make sure that everything continues to be symmetrical and that she doesn't favor one side more. They are very pleased with the progress that she has made! After her appointment we headed to St. Paul to the MNA headquarters. Today was the big vote on whether or not to authorize an open ended strike. We should have the results within the hour. My hope is that all 14 hospitals stood strong and voted to authorize the strike, so that we can fight this battle as one. Hopefully the negotiations will start again tomorrow (if the hospital will sit down and negotiate) and we can begin to resolve this. I'm praying that we will not need to strike, but will not be surprised if it comes to that. I keep telling myself that this is short term, and our contract is long term. We have to continue to stay strong and fight for what we know is best for our patients. Other than that, Ava and I had a pretty low key day. I had to catch up on some laundry and make the usual trip to Target. She was a very good girl today...just like most days.

Grandma will be coming over tomorrow afternoon to watch Ava until Daddy gets home. Then Wednesday morning we are off to the Dr's office for Ava's 4 month appointment. I am dreading the shots once again. This time I'm not so concerned about the actual shot, but rather the reaction. Last time her little leg was so red and painful and she had a fever. I'll once again pre-medicate her, but really hope that she's not so uncomfortable this time around. I hate seeing my little girl in pain!

Nate took this picture while I was at work on Sunday. She looks SO big!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ava turns 16

Sixteen weeks that is. Great Grandma Schutterle and Aunt Darlene arrived today and are staying through Saturday. They came to play and then to watch Ava while Daddy and I both work Saturday morning. They were amazed at how much Ava has changed since they last saw her, and Ava has loved them telling her how beautiful she is. Great Grandma already found a garage sale to visit, and we played a game of cards. Darlene and I let Daddy and Grandma only 5 points!!!

Ava has gotten some quality time with Daddy this week since I've been working evenings all week. He even got off of work early on Tuesday (since he works on Saturday) so that Grandma could have the afternoon off. Last night Daddy and Ava went to visit Uncle Wes for dinner. where I guess they had amazing steaks. I got to eat a lean pocket at work.

Ava and I ran a few errands this morning and then went to a MNA meeting. It was regarding the big vote on Monday. We will be voting on an open ended strike. I'm confident that it will pass, and if the hospital doesn't negotiate then I will be on strike by mid July. This is a very scary time for all of us. I need to remember that this too will pass. This is short term, and our contract is long term. We need to continue to fight for our patients and their safety.

Well it's bedtime. I just wanted to post a few things since I haven't updated for awhile. I hope that all of you stayed safe this evening with all the severe weather here in Minnesota. Have a great weekend, and Happy Father's Day to all those Dad's out there!

Ava & Great Grandma Schutterle having a little chat

Thanks for the outfit Auntie Lisa #2

Ava at 16 weeks

Aunt Darlene & Ava

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Becker

Grandma & Grandpa Becker came to visit this weekend. They arrived late Friday evening, after Miss Ava was already in bed. We were so glad that they came to visit and got to spend some time with Ava. Unfortunately, the weather was dreary and rainy all weekend so we couldn't do anything outside. Sat. morning we had Ava's pictures taken. She was giggling with Grandma in the morning, and as soon as Ang showed up to take the pictures there was not a smile to be found. She stayed stone faced for the next hour, and as soon as Ang packed up her camera and left Ava was back in smile mode. The little poop! So, she may not be smiling in her professional pictures, but we have our own pictures that show that beautiful smile!
The rest of the weekend was pretty low key. We went to a couple of garage sales, but most of them were ending since we got a late start and it was raining. We played a few games of cards (which the girls won all three times), went to church and brunch this morning, and just hung out. We hope that Grandma and Grandpa had a good time even though we didn't do anything real exciting.
It will be a busy upcoming week. I'm working evenings Monday through Wednesday which means Daddy is in charge those three nights. Aunt Darlene and Grandma Schutterle are coming up to visit on Thursday through Saturday. They will be watching Ava on Saturday morning since Nate and I both have to work. Ava is looking forward to getting so much attention again in just a few days. Mommy is looking forward to maybe getting a nap with the extra help here. :)

Bath time

All clean (how can you not love those chunky little cheeks?)
Peeking over Grandpa's shoulder Snoozing with Grandpa
Ava & Grandma sharing some laughs

Ava loves when Daddy holds her in the air and gives her lots of kisses

Ava has become quite the thumb sucker (especially when she is tired)

Grandpa has become a thumb sucker too. :)Grandpa & Grandma Becker with Ava after church. Note, this is not the dress she wore TO church. That one was covered in liquid poop. Nate got her out of the car seat and soon realized that she had a blowout when his hand was covered in Ava's present...not good!

Daddy & Ava watching some basketball

Friday, June 11, 2010

15 weeks

Yesterday Ava turned 15 weeks old. She was kind of a fuss bucket for some reason. I'm not sure if she had a funny tummy, or if she's upset that she's getting so old (Daddy turns 30 this year so he can relate). The weather was rainy on and off and not a good day to be out. She was my little snuggle bunny. She snuggled right into my shoulder for a nap while we rocked in her room. There is nothing better than your little one snuggled into you sleeping...oh how I love it!

Grandma came over yesterday afternoon so that I could go to the hospital to picket. Yesterday was the largest nurses strike in US history. There were over 12,000 nurses in the twin cities that were on strike, that's 14 twin cities hospitals. It was a day filled with mixed emotion. I'll be honest, it was hard walking outside of my hospital knowing that I was supposed to be inside taking care of those patients. On the other hand, I was out there fighting to give them better care in the future. There are many days that I leave work feeling like a crappy nurse, knowing that I didn't (and couldn't) give my patients the care that they deserved. I don't know how effective our one day strike was...time will tell. As of today there are no negotiations scheduled. There is a possibility that we will strike again. It could be another one day strike, or an open ended strike. Once again, we would have to give the hospitals a 10 day notice prior to the strike. I'm praying that it will not come to this. I just want both sides to sit down like adults and negotiate in good faith. It's difficult not being present during the negotiations, since all of my information is second hand. I want to know what is really going on behind closed doors. It's frustrating that two groups of people, who both claim to want what is best for patients, can't agree on a fair contract.

I was one of the lucky people called back to work today. My day started out in a large conference hall where management came in to call out our names individually and then take us to another conference hall. There we waited for security to come and escort us to our unit that we were working on. It was all very odd. I'm assuming that they did this so that we wouldn't run in to the replacement workers that were brought in. It was all very bizarre. I just wanted to get back to the floor and take care of my patients...not deal with all the drama! I'm off the weekend and looking forward to it.

Grandma & Grandpa Becker are on their way up to visit for the weekend. We're looking forward to seeing them. We don't have a whole lot planned besides Ava's second attempt at getting her 3 month pictures taken. We'll probably run to the mall, play some cards, and just hang out. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

She's got her mommy's thighs and her daddy's belly

Ava at 15 weeks

Walking the line for patient safety! I'm hoping to not be out there again anytime soon, but will continue to fight for safe patient care!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Roll Over

So, we started out doing a little tummy time before our appointments yesterday and all of a sudden...

She had rolled onto her back!!!

That's right, Ava rolled over for the first time yesterday afternoon. I'm pretty sure it was a mistake and it probably won't happen for another three weeks, but she did it. She's become quite the little wiggle worm and is very strong. She can really get her arms and legs going. I'm sure it won't be too much longer before she can roll from her back to her tummy.

Ava had her PT appointment yesterday. Her physical therapist seems to be very impressed with the progress that she has made, and with how strong she is. We had initially thought that she would go for another month, but I think that I'll ask at our next appointment if she really needs to continue the therapy. They showed us one more exercise to do with her. Grandma stayed with her at her appointment since I had to leave half way through for my dentist appointment. I am happy to report that my appointment went well also, and there are no cavities! :)

Today I had to work so Grandma came to watch Ava. Work was a little odd today since we are preparing for the strike tomorrow. I was in the ER and our hospital was on divert for the morning and then went off for the afternoon. There are very few hospital beds available in the twin cities right now which is a little scary. I feel so bad for the patients right now, as they are the ones that are put in the middle of this contract negotiation with the strike. I hope that they understand that we're striking for their safety!!! It's hard to have to explain to a patient that we may have to transfer them to another hospital since we have no beds to admit to since we have closed units in preparation for the strike tomorrow. Once tomorrow is over I hope that the hospitals and the union can get back to the tables and actually negotiate a fair contract. I just want this all to be over so that we can do our jobs...and do them safely! I'll be walking the picket line tomorrow, but have decided not to take Ava. I really thought that I would take her, but after thinking about it I have decided against it. It will be loud there, there is no place to change her (since we obviously can't go in to use the bathrooms in the hospital), and it's not fair to her to stick her in her car seat/stroller for that long.

Well I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed. Please keep us nurses in your thoughts tomorrow, and say a prayer that our patients are getting the quality care that they deserve from the agency nurses. Also, please pray that we (the hospitals and the union) can come together and talk!

Ava was fussy Monday afternoon so I thought I'd take her outside. She was instantly quiet. I thought that I'd introduce her to grass...she seemed intrigued by the feel of it.

I Love baby feet!

Ava's pouty lip

Monday, June 7, 2010

Play Date

This morning we headed over to Cora's house to play. She has gotten sooo big since the last time we saw her. She was so full of smiles and giggles, and was so nice to share her toys with Ava. Unfortunately we only got a few pictures as Cora was sleepy and slept for a lot of the time we were there. Ava wasn't too upset about it and decided to try out all of Cora's toys while she slept. It was so nice for me to get to see Kristi again and chat with her. She is also a nurse so we had plenty to talk about between the planned strike on Thursday and our kiddos. It's so much fun to have a friend with a baby the same age as Ava so that we can compare stories and go through some of the exciting as well as frustrating things together. She made some amazing chocolate chip banana bread and introduced me to a wonderful new tea. Thank you very much Kristi, and thank you for the bread that you sent home!!! We'll be looking forward to getting together again soon.

This afternoon Ava has been trying to catch up on some sleep. She fought her nap very hard this afternoon and even had some real tears (I hate real tears)! She is now snoozing in her swing. Perhaps we'll go for a walk this evening when she wakes up. It's absolutely beautiful outside. Daddy has golf tonight so it's just the two of us.

Tomorrow afternoon will be busy. Ava has her physical therapy appt. at 2:30 which Grandma will meet us at since I have a dentist appt. at 3:00. Luckily both appointments are in Maple Grove so it shouldn't be a big problem. Thanks in advance Grandma for taking Ava. I'm hoping my dentist appt. goes well. I keep hearing horror stories about how women always get so many cavities when they are pregnant and breastfeeding due to the baby taking so much of your calcium. I've had one cavity in my whole life and am very particular about my hopefully I will prove everybody wrong.

Ava & Cora playing. At one point Cora was holding Ava's hand and it was so cute!

"Up North"

Friday morning we left for Ava's first weekend "up north". For those of you who don't live in Minnesota "up north" means anywhere from 20 miles north of the twin cities to Canada...wherever your cabin on the lake is. For us, "up north" is in Jenkins which is about a half hour north of Brainard. Daddy left early on Friday morning to go up with Grandpa. Ava, Grandma, and I left around 8:30 (after Ava ate breakfast and got ready for the day). Ava was such a good girl and slept almost the entire 2 1/2 hours up there.

It was kind of a crazy weekend at the cabin (ok, it's a lake home) since it was move in weekend. The cabin isn't quite finished, as there are no mirrors or lights in the bathrooms and little things like that. But it is definitely livable. The kitchen is beautiful and the view from the whole place is amazing as it looks over the entire lake. Our bedrooms are huge and Ava has her own little place for a crib in our bedroom. It is definitely different going up there with a little one. As usual, our schedule centers around what Ava wants to do and when she would like to do it. She did allow us to sneak in her first boat ride. I was worried that she would scream the entire time she had her life jacket on, but she did very good with it. I think she enjoyed her time on the boat, with the sound of the engine and the up and down motion of the water. She just got fussy at the very end (it was dinner time). As much fun as the cabin is, Ava was ready to come home and sleep in her own bed. She was just so overtired by Sunday afternoon. She came home and crashed hard last night (as did Mommy).

Ava got to come into Mommy & Daddy's bed Saturday morning to play with Daddy. She brought Sophie (the giraffe) in to play. Ava loved her morning chat with Daddy.
The new cabin (minus some paint and decks)

Ava on the boat with her life jacket (thanks Paula)

Our first family photo on the dock

Out on the lake with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Wes (Daddy was there too, but taking the picture obviously)

Ava thought whatever Daddy said was Very funny!