Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

We hope that you all had a blessed Easter, and were able to enjoy time with family and/or friends.  We traveled to Grandma & Grandpa's house Friday morning to spend the weekend.  I'm enjoying how much easier it is to travel as the kids get older.  We still have to stop to eat (they're not quite old enough to eat in the car yet), but there aren't long stops to breastfeed, timing every departure/arrival time around feedings.  And I don't have to worry about them crying for 5 hours straight.  I just throw in a movie and we're good. 

Friday was a pretty low key day.  Saturday morning we got up, and Ava got her pink pancakes before we all headed to "the farm" to see the animals.  We went up to a local dairy farm thinking that the kids would love to see the cows, especially the new ones that were only 3 days old.  Nate loved the cows and learning about the milking process.  The kids loved the cats.  Really?!?  As if they have never seen cats before.  We then stopped at Grandma Great's to see her new kitchen which is very nice.  Then it was back to Grandma & Grandpa's for tractor rides.  We spent the afternoon dying Easter eggs, playing with family that stopped by, and watching basketball. 

Sunday morning the kids were up to find their Easter baskets and then we headed off to church.  Everybody came over to Grandma & Grandpa's for the big egg hunt and lunch.  It was great to see all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.  Unfortunately, we had to head home today, so we left right after lunch.  Two things that made me laugh at church.  As the priest was on the alter he drank out of the glass and Grant asked Nate if he was drinking coffee.  Not sure where he came up with that.  Then there was a Eucharistic minister at the back of the church near us holding a chalice.  Ava asked why he was holding a trophy.  Ha!  Never thought of it that way.  

We had to head home because tomorrow morning we are heading to Children's Hospital for Grant's surgery.  He'll be having his adenoids out, ear tubes in, and his umbilical hernia repaired.  Hopefully the popsicles will help him forgive us.  We'll hopefully have time to give you an update soon.  Please say an extra prayer for our little man as he goes under tomorrow, and for a quick recovery!

Grant helping Grandma make homemade pizza dough

Dying Easter eggs with Aunt Lori and cousin Reece

It would have been an Easter miracle to get all of these kids to look at the camera at the same time and smile with Grandma Great.
Easter morning

Thank you for cooperating Grant
Funny faces
Great Grandma
Hunting for eggs

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