Thursday, May 31, 2012

The cabin

Last Friday we packed our bags and set out on our first trip to the cabin this summer.  We started out late in hopes of missing some of the traffic.  We were doing great until we hit the construction zone.  Unfortunately that set our total trip time back to 3 1/2 hours.  Fortunately, Ava slept for half that time.  She slept until about 9:30, when she opened her eyes she said, "look at all those lights".  Unfortunately, most of them were brake lights.  She got her second wind and was ready to rock and roll when we arrived to the cabin at 10:45.  She made sure to wake up Mema & Boppa so that they knew she was there.  After a few stories she went down for the night. 

Saturday morning Daddy headed out on the lake early to fish with our neighbor Jeremy.  He came home telling the tale of a big fish.  So, we all went over to see the "big fish" (that Jeremy caught, not Daddy).  After that, the rain began.  It rained  on and off throughout the day.  The boys did manage to get the pontoon lift in, and we then all headed over to the public access to put the pontoon in and take our first boat ride of the year.  Daddy had brought popcorn for the ride.  Ava now thinks that every time that we go on a boat ride, popcorn is a must.  That's ok, food is usually a must for us when we go out on the pontoon.

We woke up to thunderstorms on Sunday morning.  Daddy, Ava, and I made pancakes and sausage for breakfast.  That girl can house her pancakes!  We got a little play time in outside before we packed up to head home.  I had to work on Memorial Day so I had to come home early.  Daddy and Ava decided to join me since the weather was not very nice. 

Tuesday Nate and I went out in search for a success.  It was a crappy day at work for the both of us, we did not find a house, but we came home with something...a "Sold" sign.  Good news, our appraisal came back at exactly what we needed it to.  Therefore, our house is officially sold!  The buyers wanted to close at the end of June, but since we're still homeless (Ava and I went and looked again today) we'll be closing at the end of July to give us a little more time.  I've got pictures of Ava and Daddy with the sign that I'll post next time. 

This is what Ava wanted to wear as we packed for the cabin.   I think she likes her new cabin hat.  She also loves to wear her backpack around.  I think that it makes her feel like Dora.
 Watering her flower that she and Mema planted
 Swinging on the big girl swing

Ava & Janna getting ready to get on the boat for the maiden voyage of the year

Ava checking out all the controls.  She takes her job as co-captain very seriously
Enjoying some popcorn and snuggle time
As you can see by the fact that Ava has on a sweatshirt and a raincoat, the weather left a bit to be desired
Enjoying a little story time.

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