Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weekend with Grandma

This past weekend Daddy left for his "trip"  He left Thursday evening with "the guys" for his annual golf weekend to Giants Ridge.  It was just Ava and me until Friday evening when Grandma Becker showed up.  She met us in Apple Valley where Ava and I were checking out a model home.  She got there just in time...Ava was being a bit "busy" to put it nicely.  Grandma and Ava played so that I was able to discuss a few options with the lady working there.  Yes, we are still homeless come the end of July.  The buyers of our place have graciously offered us the option of closing at the end of July rather than June.  Considering we have no idea where we're going to be, we took them up on the offer.  I'm praying that we'll find something soon!

Saturday brought us beautiful weather so we headed out to the Como Zoo as soon as it opened.  Ava has not yet stopped talking about all the animals that she saw.  She had such a great time.  I think that her favorite was the polar bear, coming in just ahead of the giraffes.  We'll be going back there again soon.  We headed home for nap time, and then took a trip to the mall for the rest of the evening.  After dinner we all crashed.

Sunday morning we stayed in, had pancakes and smoothies for breakfast per Ava's request, and played.  We later went over to Plymouth to show Grandma a model home that we like (no, we're not moving to Plymouth).  We picked up some Chipotle for lunch and headed home.  The weather was rainy, cold, and windy so Daddy and the guys decided to forgo golfing that day and head home.  Ava was very excited to see him when he walked in the door.  Shortly after lunch Grandma had to head home.  We thank her for coming!  We had a lot of fun, and I really appreciated the extra help and company over the weekend.

This week has been filled with work and house hunting.  We'll be heading up to the cabin for the weekend (a short weekend for me since I work Monday).  Hopefully it will be a fun, relaxing weekend.  Wishing you all a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!

Grandma & Ava getting ready to head into the zoo.  Ava is grinning ear to ear!
Sitting back and enjoying the ride
Checking out the buffalo

She was mesmerized by the polar bear who kept jumping in the water and swimming by
Shaking the penguins hand and saying "nice to meet you"

Ava, Mommy, & Grandma
Even though her face may not show it, she asked to ride on the giraffe.

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