Thursday, September 4, 2014

The rollercoaster of parenthood

I've learned that this parenthood thing is quite the roller coaster of emotions. I'm sure that the ride gets even crazier as toddlers eventually turn into teenagers.  Let's take today for example.  Our days at home almost always start out very nice (don't most peoples?).  The kids get to sleep in a little later and don't have to rush out the door for daycare.  We get to enjoy breakfast together and be silly while getting dressed. 

This morning we started our new ECFE class.  I always look forward to these, and know that Ava did as well.  Grant on the other hand always had to be close to me during play time, and cried when it was time for separation.  He eventually did ok, and I always found him enjoying singing songs during circle time at the end.  I was a bit leery about how things were going to go this morning since this was a new classroom with new teachers.  Let me tell you, Grant walked into that classroom a completely different little boy than he was 3 1/2 months ago.  He explored and played on his own.  He whimpered for only seconds when I left for separation.  My heart was filled with happiness as I saw him becoming more independent and confident. 

Independence and confidence, it's what we want for our children.  I was so excited for Grant.  However, with the start of school this week I've been reading all of these things about sending your children off to kindergarten and how quickly the time goes.  Ava has always been independent and social.  With that being said, my excitement and happiness for Ava quickly and selfishly turns to sadness.  This time next year there will be no more ECFE classes with her, no more play dates to the park, the zoo, the Children's Museum.  No more mid-day dance parties, or chilling in our pjs till mid-morning on snowy days.  Some days these things are exhausting and I just want 5 minutes to myself.  However, knowing that these days are quickly slipping away brings tears to my eyes.  (Then there's Grant. Grant will be 2 next month.  My baby is turning 2.  How can that be?!?  He's my baby.) 

So, I don't want my kids to grown up right?  Well, let's move ahead 2 hours.  We're getting ready for nap and Grant has decided he wants to sit on the potty while I'm changing his diaper.  I put him on, he shockingly enough does nothing.   He jumps off and runs into Ava's room as I tell him that we need to put his diaper on.  He stands at the bottom of her bed looking at me.  He's still for quite some time, which starts to concern me as I ask him what he's doing.  I go over there and step on wet carpet.  I look closer and he's peed on her bed spread, bed skirt, and the carpet.  I want to scream.  I am once again reminded as to why I am not a full-time stay at home mom. 

Fast forward 6 hours, it's time to wind down for the day.  Grant wants to try out his little potty chair.  He sits there and does nothing so I walk out to get his pjs ready.  I go back into the bathroom and step in a puddle.  Yes, it's a yellow puddle.  Really, he peed on the floor twice in one day?  I stop and look in the potty, there are about 3 drops of pee in it.  We celebrate the 3 drops of pee as I scrub the floor and my foot with disinfectant.  We give high 5's and tell him good job (hoping that next time he'll keep it in the potty, which next time will most likely be 6 months from now). 

We finish the day with bedtime stories, hugs & kisses, and rocking Grant before putting him in his bed.  There is a peacefulness in the house at bedtime.  A time to reflect on the day and be thankful for the tickle time, the time that I got to hold their little hands as we walked across the parking lot, the marching parade that we had in the house, the hugs & kisses.   It's a time to realize that even though it had its crazy points, our day was filled with lots of love, giggles, and blessings.  At the end of the day, what more could I ask for?  
Another trip to the zoo

Grant, our ballerina.  I may have put the skirt on him (he definitely didn't fight it), but he's the one that brought the shoes over and asked me to put them on.  He was having a great time dancing. 
We had a play date at the park with our good friend Maria and the kids.  They found the one puddle in the whole park and had a great time jumping and splashing in it.

I worked this past Labor Day weekend.  Nate and the kids headed up to the cabin for the long weekend.  From what I hear, they had a great time while I stayed extremely busy working my night shifts in the ER.  I absolutely love this picture of Daddy and Grant enjoying one last boat ride.

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