Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Another week

I wish I could have titled this post "Father's Day", but in all honesty we didn't do a lot to celebrate. I worked my 12 hr day shifts, so Nate was on his own with the kids for Father's Day. The kids made him some cards that were waiting for him when he got up. Otherwise, they went to church, to Mema & Boppa's, and then home for bed. I picked up Cosetta's for dinner and that was our celebration. Just because we didn't have a big celebration that day doesn't mean that we don't love Daddy to pieces and think that he's an amazing dad. He truly is a great daddy, and you would be able to hear that in Ava's laughter every night that they play before bed, or see it in Grant's smile as he sees his daddy make silly faces. We hope that he always knows how much we love him and appreciate him. It's been a busy but low key week. I don't know if we'll ever have a week that's not busy in some way.

We did have to spend some time inside this week, as it seems to rain a lot around here lately. Friday we were able to make it to the zoo. I was a bit anxious, but we made our first trip to the zoo with just the three of us (two kids and me). It was great! We got there as soon as they opened and we were home by lunch time. I packed them into the double stroller, but Ava got out frequently and walked. She was great! We had a great time and will be going again very soon (we have to look for the unicorns since Ava didn't find them on Friday).

Saturday Nate had the kids to himself while I was at work. They spent the morning at the park and got to go to our sitter, Cyndi's, graduation party in the afternoon. At one point it started pouring outside and I guess that after asking multiple times Ava got the ok to go and play in the rain. Nate took a video on his phone. She had so much fun just standing out there as the water rolled over her feet and poured over her head. I guess that's what being a kid is about. They ended the day with a visit from Mema.

Nothing else too exciting to report. Grant seems to be getting along well with his tubes. We did have to put him on some antibiotic/steroid ear drops last Wednesday due to the drainage he was having. Other than that I think he is doing well. Hope that you all had a good weekend, and a belated Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there!
This was one of our days that we were stuck inside due to rain.  Ava has been into being a princess, so our morning was filled with Princess Ava playing Play-Doh and coloring
I walked out of the kitchen and found her like this on the living room floor.  Being a princess must be exhausting!
Grant getting very excited to be with his sister.  I love how they love each other...praying that it lasts forever!

Getting ready to head out to Target.  She was very excited to get to wear her Hello Kitty rain boots
Grant wanted to try a Twizzler
He got a little taste...
but wanted more.

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