Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snow, snow, and more snow

Our weekend was not what we had planned for, but it was good nonetheless. We talked to Grandma & Grandpa bright and early on Saturday morning and they said that they were unable to come. Grandpa had to go to the ER in the middle of the night due to an issue with his leg. He is currently getting better, but they had to spend the weekend at home. We were very disappointed but understood. We'll now have to wait until after Christmas to see them.

  It was probably better that Grandma and Grandpa didn't come...it would have been a miserable drive home on Sunday. It started snowing late on Saturday and just kept coming down. We got about 11 inches. We had to shovel our driveway 6 times to keep up with it. I have to say that I was very jealous of the guy across the street with the snow blower. Perhaps that will go on our wish list for next year. Before the snow started to fly on Saturday, Mema and Boppa came over to visit and have dinner with us. Ava was so excited to see them and she greeted Mema with a big hug saying, "I missed you so much".

Sunday and Monday were pretty much spent inside. Monday was miserably cold so the kids and I didn't leave the house. Daddy unfortunately had to go to work and it took him over an hour to get there on the bus. The ride home wasn't any better as he got home an hour late. One more reason I hate winter.

We did finally make it out of the house this afternoon. Aunt Sandy came to visit us this morning. She was nice enough to read with Ava and then snuggled Grant while Ava and I had lunch. It was nice to see her and Ava was able to show her our new place.

Grant turned 7 weeks old today. I know that I always say this, but I can't believe how quickly this time has gone. I don't remember it going this fast with Ava. Grant seems to change and get bigger daily. He's already wearing 6 month clothes. There is nothing petite about this guy! Ava continues to adore him and runs to his aide when he starts to cry. She really is a good big sister (even if she does put all of her weight on his stomach when she's trying to force his pacifier into his mouth).

Ava has her second day of daycare tomorrow so I'm hoping that Grant and I can get some errands done. We have plenty to do! We'll see how productive we are.

 Hanging up another ornament
 She loves her brother

 Love these little booties made by one of Mema's friends
 Just chill'n with my man dress and booties on before bedtime
 "Are you kidding me with this sign?"
 "Ok, one picture"
 "Put that camera away or else..."
After Grant got his 7 week pictures taken Ava wanted to make sure that she got her picture taken as well.

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