Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pictures/8 weeks old

We have had many requests for pictures of the house so I'm posting a few. It will hopefully give you some idea of what our new place looks like.  We got two boxes of blinds as of this morning, the others are supposed to arrive around Friday.  I can't wait for them to be installed!!!  Then we'll just be waiting on our new furniture. 

Today also marks Grant's 8 week birthday. Sadly enough I had to go to the basement and dig out the 6-9 month onesies. I can not believe that my 8 week old baby is wearing 6-9 month clothes. He is growing way to fast!!! I do love how he is now smiling and "talking" more. We are so lucky that he is such a happy baby!
Our house
Our living room with our TV that once looked big in our old house.  Yes, a new TV and media center is on our Christmas list. 
Looking at the staircase from the living room
Kitchen and eating area
Play room
Looking down onto the living room and eating area from the top of the stairs
Ava's room
Grant's room
Master bath with that awesome "curtain".  I knew that batik sarong that I bought in Sri Lanka would come in handy some day.  :)

Our happy little (big) guy!

Ava of course wanted her picture taken as well.
This would be her "silly face".  Thank you Uncle Wes and Janna for teaching her this. 

Ava really is good with Grant.  I left them alone like this for a few minutes this morning though while I ran up to brush my teeth.  All of a sudden I heard Grant squawk.  I ran out of my room and asked Ava what she was doing.  She replied, "I was just picking a boogie out of his nose".  She sometimes needs reminders that we don't touch his face.
Looking for her M&Ms this morning as her reward for going on the potty.  We have our good days and bad days with potty training.  Yesterday she after she pooped on the potty she asked me, "Mommy, what do I turn on so that my poop doesn't stink?" (meaning the fan).  She does make me laugh.

One more Ava story.  I managed to get a quick hair appointment on Saturday morning so I left Nate alone with the kids.  I pumped Grant a bottle so he could eat while I was gone.  Ava had asked if she could watch Dora and I told her that maybe she could when Daddy fed Grant.  She looked at Nate very seriously and said, "Daddy, do you have boobies?" thinking that he was going to nurse him.  How cute and innocent!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful new home, beautiful children, so happy to see you all living such a beautiful life!!! Couldn't be happier for you all, hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
