Grandma Great, Aunt Lori, Zacky, and Reece greeted us at Aunt Lisa's. We were so happy to see everybody. Ava quickly put on some of Reece's "paint clothes" so that we could dye eggs. She was interested for about 5 minutes. Then she was off to play and read books.
Saturday morning Aunt Darlene, Great Grandma, and Grandma B surprised us and showed up at Aunt Lisa's. As soon as they arrived we left for a big Easter egg hunt that one of Aunt Lisa's friends put on in Des Moines. There were SO many eggs there!!! Unfortunately it was kind of cold and rainy. We left after collecting a ton of eggs and headed home for some lunch and a nap. That evening Aunt Darlene, Great Grandma, and Grandma headed back home and we went to church. Having Ava in church once again reminded me of how grateful I am for the nursery at our church on Sunday mornings! She is not a little girl who can sit quietly for an hour. She finally fell asleep about 3/4 into the service.
Sunday morning the kids woke up and found their Easter baskets. The girls (Jordan, Ali, and Ellen) came over later and we had another egg hunt outside. Uncle Brent and Daddy hid the eggs. They must have done a very good job because we are still missing one of Ava's eggs. They were supposed to be very easy to find so we're not sure if the dog took one of them or what happened to it. Ava had a great time finding all of her pink eggs though. After that we had lunch and it was then time for us to pack up, pick up Mema & Boppa, and head home. We ended up not getting home until about 6:30. The drive home seemed to last a bit longer than the drive down. About 30 minutes from home Ava decided that she "needed" to drive. She threw a fit, telling Nate that she needed to sit up front so she could drive. I have no idea when she learned to drive, but she was very adamant about it.
This week has been pretty low key. Ava spent Monday through Wednesday at daycare, and yesterday we ran errands in the morning and it was finally nice enough outside yesterday afternoon that we got to go for a walk to the park and play with some sidewalk chalk for a bit. Ava's bandage finally fell off of her belly a couple of days ago. Her incision looks great, I don't know if you'll even be able to tell it's there once it fully heals. We have her surgical follow-up appointment in a few weeks.
Other than that, it would be a fairly low key weekend. Nate is running his first 5K tomorrow. The weather should be nice, so hopefully he'll have a good time. Hope that you all have a great weekend!
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