Monday, November 2, 2009

Nursery in progress

As you all know, Nate and I are expecting in February. I figured that I would start a blog once the baby was born, but have decided to do it a bit earlier since people are asking for updates and pictures. Hopefully this blog will keep all of our family and friends that are so far away updated on what's going on with our lives and the exciting new changes taking place.

As most of you know, we have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We feel like there are very few surprises left in life and thought it would be fun to let this be one of them. Besides that, I'm thinking that it may give me more motivation to push this little bundle of joy out when I feel like I can't push anymore. :) We've had multiple ultrasounds and everything looks great. We could see him/her sucking their thumb and then rubbing their eye like they were sleepy, it was very cute! Our last ultrasound was last week and the baby's estimated weight was 1.2 lbs. The heart rate has been holding steady at around 160 since our first appointment. Last month I started to feel the baby move every once in a while, now it's all the time. We have quite an active little one. Last week Nate was able to feel it for the first time...what a cool experience. The nausea is now gone for the most part, except for in the evenings some time. I still sleep all the time, but feel 150% better than I did from week 6-19!!!
We have been busy getting the nursery ready. I realize that it seems early, but you all know how I like to be prepared and have everything planned just so. I realize that this may not be the case after the baby is born! Bob came over last weekend and helped Nate finish up painting while Mo and I went and picked up two loads of furniture. Nate got the crib and glider assembled last night so everything is now in the nursery. Now we just need to decorate the walls. I'll post a picture of our "nursery in progress". I was just so excited to get the crib up and put the adorable bedding in it.

I think that's enough for now. I hope that you will enjoy our updates as you follow along on this journey that we are so excited about!!!


  1. Once again Nate & Steph, congratulations!!!! I got soooo excited for you guys just reading your blog!!!!! Makes me want to start all over again - NOT!!! We are thoroughly enjoying the teenage years - YEA....seriously!!!! Enjoy every moment from here on out because they truly go by soooo fast. It's incredible how fast they go!!! The Petrzelka family sends their love...:) Keep us posted!!!! XX00

  2. Hey guys,

    I LOVE the nursery colors! It's looking great. Now, I am still waiting for belly pictures, Steph! Looking forward to keeping up w/ the preparations...
