Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall fun

We've been so busy having fun that I haven't found the time to update the blog. As always, I have good intentions to do it, but the couch and a pre-bedtime nap usually wins out at the end of the day.  Our weekends have been packed with gopher games, apple orchards, formal events (for me, Nate got childcare duty...sorry babe), etc.  I'll let the pictures tell the story of our fun.

As far as an update on the kids, they are doing well.  Ava can't get enough of her dance class, somehow loving it even more every week that she goes.  We got smart and starting hiring a sitter to watch Grant while I take Ava so that I can enjoy watching her rather than running around the studio trying to keep Grant quiet and entertained.  Ava was having some "issues" a few weeks ago, "needing help" with everything.  After a few talks with her I figured that she was trying to ask for more attention in her own way.  So, we're now "helping" her a bit more since she sees Grant getting help with everything.  Our days are going much smoother.  She still loves school.  She's also still not sure what she's going to be for Halloween.  When asked she replies, "I'll let you know when the time gets a little closer".  She must be her father's child, I would have planned it out a month ago.

It's hard to believe that my baby is going to be 2 years old in just 10 days.  Crazy!  He is talking so much now (most people probably can't understand him, but we can most of the time).  He's also becoming a bit feisty and definitely lets us know when he's not getting his way.  We never experienced the "terrible twos" with Ava.  I have a feeling that Grant is going to let us experience them in full force.  With that being said, he's still my snuggler at the end of the day and loves hugs and kisses.  He was doing great at daycare for a couple of weeks with no tears at drop off.  For some reason we have regressed back to crying.  He is stuck to my side, and even cries when I leave him with Nate.  It's great to feel loved, but this is a bit excessive. 

Since we've been in our house almost two years we thought we should probably start doing something to the inside to make it a bit more homey.  So last month we had a large portion of our house painted.  It's nice not to see white walls everywhere you look.  Now to get stuff up on the walls.

Last week Nate took a half day off work so that we could get Grant's 2 yr pictures, as well as our family pictures taken.  It's amazing how much work it is to get everybody to look at the camera at the same time, hoping the wind isn't blowing our hair everywhere, and keep Grant from squirming free or crying.  I'm anxious to see what kind of shots Ang got for us. 

I promise I'll try to do better with the updates.  We have a busy couple of weeks coming up with cousin Daniel's wedding in IA, and Grant's birthday party the following weekend.  We're very much looking forward to seeing my family next weekend! 

Now, for a look at what we've been up to....
I got to spend an evening dressed up for our hospital's gala in St. Paul.  It was such a great time to see my friends/co-workers outside of the hospital, dressed up, relaxed, and having a great time (along with some fabulous drinks). 

The morning of the gala we spent a beautiful morning outside at the apple orchard by our house.  We have always gone to Emma Krumbee's in the past, but decided to stay more local this year.  A nice 10 minute drive and we were there.  The kids have fun riding on the hay wagon, picking (and eating) apples, and playing on the tractors and playground.  Nate made some amazing apple crisps that week!

Grant wanted to try on Ava's headband.  I have to say, he looks pretty cute with it on. 
We took yet another trip to the zoo.  It was a rainy day so we stayed inside.  I'm so grateful that we have such a great zoo, with indoor and outdoor exhibits, so close to home. 
My cute little man.
Another trip to the Children's Museum.  Looking forward to our next trip to see the new Clifford exhibit.

Last weekend we spent Sunday morning at Pahl's Market near our house.  We wanted to go and get some pumpkins, and invited some neighbors to join in the fun.  The kids had a great time in the bouncy house, the corn pit, and the straw maze.  We picked out some pumpkins, and the kids devoured popcorn.  It was a great morning!

Grant getting ready to jump into the corn.  We found corn around our house for the next 24 hours.

Some of the neighbor kids
Grant may have a crush on our sweet neighbor Abby.  It may not appear this way due to Grant's size, but she is an older woman. 

I got to spend another evening out with friends from work celebrating a co-workers marriage.  Once again, a great evening of catching up, dancing, and laughs. 
Nate had the day off work today so we both picked the kids up from daycare and headed back to Pahl's Market for a couple more pumpkins.  Ava and Daddy played in the corn pit once again. 

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