Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Great weekend

We had a great weekend here at home, in spite of the rain. We decided to stay home from the cabin this weekend due to the forcasted rain. And man did it rain! Thankfully we were able to get outside and enjoy the morning on Saturday before the downpours began. I think that Nate said we got over 5 inches this past weekend.

Ava has been a bit challenging over the past week or so.  I'm not sure if it's a stage, if she's wanting more attention and is trying to find it by acting out, or if she's just turning into a high maintenance girl at a very young age.  I'm hoping it's a stage...a Very short one!  No matter the reason, we're trying to put a stop to it (however yesterday she decided that dammit was her new favorite word, as she said it multiple times.  At least she said it in the proper context I guess :) ).  Anyway, I decided that maybe she needs some 1:1 time.  So, Saturday morning Daddy and Ava started their day by going to Donut Star.  Ava has been there only once before, but it left quite the impression and she's been asking when they can go back.  So, off they went together.

We then headed to the zoo.  We got there shortly after 9:00, and man did it get hot quickly.  Ava walked most of the way (a few piggy back rides here and there) and was exhausted by the time we got to the new bug exhibit.  She however managed to find lots of energy when we came upon the splash pad on our way out.  She was dripping wet by the time we left.  Thankfully it's a short 10 minute drive home.  Grant on the other hand was not a fan of the splash pad!

Saturday afternoon I was able to run to a party at one of our neighbor's while the kids napped.  Then Nate spent two hours moving dirt/sand out of our back yard before the real downpours started.  That was a lot of work for him, and included many trips with the wheelbarrow.  Unfortunately, the hard rain washed a lot of stuff back into the holes that were dug for the deck, so our poor builder is currently outside redigging them.  :(  Yes, we're finally getting a deck after waiting 59 days to get approval from our association (grrrr).  We will be very excited when it's done.

Saturday evening we were lucky enough to have "Uncle Josh, Aunt Kate", Tate, and Tess over for some dinner and play time.  They live so close to us, yet we hardly see them.  It was great to catch up a little and watch the kids play together. 

Sunday morning we went and checked out a new church.  We have decided that although we really really love Plymouth Covenant, it's much to far to drive every weekend and limits us in our involvement of the church.  So, the search has officially begun for a new church home.  Oh, how I dread this journey and hope that we can find something that we love very soon.

Hoping that you all had a great weekend!  
I usually don't buy shirts with words on them, but this one cracked me up!
We have a couple of job supervisors for our new deck project. 

Off to the zoo, hand in hand

She loved this splash pad!

Sweet little Tess and giant Grant

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