Friday, September 20, 2013

Polar bear zoo

It's been another busy week with preschool, work, ECFE, and the zoo. Not just any zoo, but the "polar bear zoo" (aka, Como Zoo). Our week started off a bit rough on Sunday night/Monday morning.  Grant went down at his normal time, but then woke up crying at 10:45.  He was up until 3:30.  He was totally fine as long as somebody was holding him.  He would just lay there and stare up at you with his big brown eyes.  Once in awhile he would shift around, bending his legs, and "toot".  I've felt like when he has had a lot of dairy in the past he gets gassy, and he had quite a bit of dairy for dinner that night.  I need to talk with the pediatrician and see if there is a possibility that he has a lactose intolerance, or if it's merely coincidence that he has "bad nights" the same nights that he has yogurt, cheese, etc.  Needless to say, at 3:30 I finally called in to work since I couldn't justify taking care of people's loved ones after just 1 1/2 hrs of sleep.  Grant hung out with me until about 10:30 that morning just to make sure that he felt ok.  He was perfectly fine.  It's like he was on crack.  He wasn't the least bit tired.  In fact, he took only a 30 minute nap that day.  Thank God we have not had a repeat of that night since!

Monday was picture day at preschool.  Ava went to Cyndi's in the morning before preschool since I was supposed to be at work.  It's probably better that way since Cyndi is better at doing Ava's hair than I am.  Sad since she has two boys!  Ava spent her morning practicing how she was going to smile.  It will be interesting to get the pictures back.  :)

This morning we surprised Ava with an adventure.  She has been asking for weeks to go to the "polar bear zoo".  So, this morning we packed up a picnic lunch and headed to St. Paul.  When we arrived she was SO excited and kept thanking me for taking her and for the surprise.  When we got up by the door she was even more surprised to see Mema.  We had a beautiful cool day to spend at the zoo.  Unfortunately, the trip takes awhile so the kids fell asleep on the way home and didn't want to take  naps after arriving home.  Hopefully they both sleep well tonight.  It will be another long day tomorrow, as we head out for the gopher game. 

Hope that you have a wonderful weekend!

That would be a Mum Mum on Grant's cheek.  He was eating one and somehow had this piece stick on his cheek. 
Ava climbing the ladder to try to help Daddy change out a light bulb
My little man being his happy little self
Hanging with the seal at Como Zoo

Not so easy to get two kids to look at the camera at the same time (I wasn't supposed to be in this picture)

Grant, Ava, & Mema...checking out the new baby giraffe who is adorable!

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