Friday, September 23, 2011

Separation Anxiety

Silly me, I thought that we had avoided the "separation anxiety" stage. I had been reading months ago how Ava was supposed to be going through this stage. I kept thinking how lucky we were, and how wonderful our daughter was that we didn't have to deal with that. Well those days are over. I think that a lot of it has to do with that fact that she's gotten A LOT of mommy & daddy time since Nate lost his job. She only goes to day care once a week and has become quite accustomed to having either Nate or me around all the time.

The problem was brought to our attention when we take her to the gym. Nate takes Ava with him probably 3-4 days a week in the morning. He told me that when he took her on Tuesday that they told him that she cries a lot and it's every day. Well I was obviously very concerned about this...Nate thought it wasn't a big deal. Let me clarify one thing. I'm not concerned about Ava, I'm concerned about the poor people who watch her. They have 20 other kids to watch and it's not like they're making a lot of money watching these kids. So now we have "that kid". You know, the one that they see coming and think to themselves, "oh great, She's here again". So Ava and I had a long talk yesterday before going to the gym about how she was going to play and not cry, and that mommy and daddy love her very much and will always come back to pick her up. She obviously wasn't listening. We took her again today and I was told that she cried on and off. At least she wasn't crying when I dropped her off or picked her up, and she didn't have snot all over her face. So, I'm hoping that it will get better once she starts going to daycare more frequently. I just don't want her to be "that kid".

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