Monday I slept, and Tuesday we were out running errands. Ava went to daycare again on Wednesday while I worked, and Thursday we picked Daddy up from work at 4:30 and hit the road. Our first destination was De Soto to spend the night with Aunt Lisa & Uncle Brent. This was a nice stopping point since our final destination was Kansas City. Unfortunately it was late when we got to De Soto so we didn't get to spend much time with everybody. Ava was evidently really excited about seeing them, because she didn't fall asleep until after we got there, which was at 10:15 (her usual bedtime is 7:00).
After seeing Cousins Reece & Zackery for a short time, we were Kansas City bound. Auntie Lisa (#2) & Uncle Craig were kind enough to open up their house to us for the weekend. It was so nice to see them and get to spend some time with them. They are such a huge part of my life, so I'm grateful whenever Ava can spend time with them; as I hope that they will always be a big part of her life as well. We were also very grateful that they have lots of room for her to play, and she had her own room to sleep in. I can't imagine trying to confine her to a small hotel room, and then trying to get her to sleep. We had wonderful weather while we were down there. Saturday Uncle Craig took Daddy & Uncle Wes golfing, while Auntie Lisa, Ava, and I hung out at the house and went for a walk. Auntie Lisa taught Ava a new word, "brrrr" she she touches something cold. Ava was saying it again today, and she thinks she's so funny when she says it. I have to admit, it's pretty cute. I already miss the sun and warm weather (as we watched the temperature drop drastically as we drove home today).
Saturday evening we got ready for the big event...cousin Jenny's wedding. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding, and the venue was gorgeous. Ava had never met Aunt Patty, Uncle Terry, or cousins Kelly, Jenny, or Erin. Ava was all dressed up and so happy to meet them all. It was also great to see other family that we don't get to see very often. Unfortunately you never have enough time to talk and catch up with everybody at events like this. Ava was excited to meet everybody and tell them "hi", but was definitely over tired and ready to go by 9:00 (like I said, she's usually in bed by 7:00). Thank you to the Davis family for a wonderful evening, and a big Congrats to Jenny & David!
This morning marked the beginning of the grueling ride home. We actually made good time. It used to take it 7 hours, and today it took us about 8. But let me tell you, it was a long 8 hours. I spent most of them in the back seat trying to figure out what was going to keep Ava quiet as she flung toys as hard as she could. She was quite over tired but slept less than an hour and a half total all day. We leaked through a diaper and onto her cute outfit. As a mother's day gift, Daddy changed her and her outfit at McDonalds. That's right, nothing says Happy Mother's Day like lunch at McDonalds in Des Moines. Ava consumed more fast food this weekend than I would usually want to expose her to in 3 months. She's more interested in the bun than any meat or fries...she's obviously a woman who loves her carbs. After that it was back in the car. We have this CD that my sister gave me that has all these children's songs that kids are singing. A few months ago Nate refused to listen to it. He now realizes that this CD was actually a gift from God. Between this CD (that Nate now sings along with and whistles to), and us singing MANY versus of "Old McDonald" with exotic animals, we kept Ava quiet for brief periods of time. I did notice that at one point while I was singing she had both of her fingers in her ears. I would like to think it was due to an ear infection, but since she now has tubes perhaps she was trying to tell us to stop.
We are now home, unpacked, and exhausted as we get ready to start our new week. Ava has been sleeping soundly for three hours now and I'm getting ready to head to bed so I can be up early tomorrow for work. We hope that you all had a wonderful weekend, and a Happy Mother's Day to all you moms! I have to say, being a mom is the most difficult and exhausting job. However, when I hear those giggles, see those smiles, and watch her sleep, it's also the most rewarding job.
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