Daddy was able to come to the Dr's appt. with us which was nice. He then hung out with Ava last night so that I could go out and have dinner with some friends. Cafe Latte doesn't get much better than that! :)
Today we got off to a rough start. Ava was up early and was CRANKY!!! She was either whining or crying for the first three hours. Finally I put her in her crib, closed the door, went to my room to fold laundry and closed my door, and turned on the TV so I couldn't hear her. I have never let her "cry it out" before. I said that I would wait 8 minutes. After 6 1/2 minutes (but who was counting) she was out cold. She slept for almost an hour and a half. She woke up in a much better mood! She is getting another molar on top. I'm hoping that is what is causing the crankiness, meaning that it's only temporary. She is such a "strong willed" little thing. I keep telling myself that in 25 years this will be a good thing. I went to put her in her carseat after her appt. yesterday and she was mad that I took the car keys away from her. She stuck out that belly of hers, arched her back, and she slid right out of the carseat before I could strap her in. What happened to my sweet angel baby? I think that the little beast toddler is taking over! I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until they turn 2! What can I say...I guess she's just advanced. :)
I love all the photos Steph, Ava is beyond precious!! I'm so happy to hear how well her ears are doing, YAY :) I swear they shouldn't call it the terrible 2's, it is the terrible 1.5 to about 4, at least for us!