Thursday was a fun filled day. That morning Ava, Grandma, and I went to the mall to look for a dress for cousin Jenny's wedding which is next month in Kansas City. A dress for me that is. Ava has obviously had hers for a couple of weeks now. That afternoon Bill, Riley, and Baby Miles arrived. This was the first time that we got to meet Miles. He is such a little cutie with the most beautiful blue eyes! We just hung out, but did make it out for a quick walk to the park. That evening Mike, Kristi, & Cora came over to hang out and have pizza with us. It was so much fun to have all of the kids together (except that Ava wasn't exactly in a fabulous mood all day yesterday and today for that matter). We hadn't seen Bill & Riley for over a year, and oh how much had changed in a year! Miles amazed us with how much he can spit up, and with his amazing core strength as he did his pilates work-out. Cora amazed us with how she practically runs around like she's been walking for years. And Mike & Kristi amazed us with their musical talents while playing Ava's piano and drums while singing along. It was a great evening to catch up with one another and share some laughs. We're already looking forward to our get together next year!!!
Like I said earlier, Ava has not been her happy go lucky self the last couple of days. She started pulling on her ears more yesterday so I was sure that she had another ear infection since she started off with a cold last weekend. I took her in to the pediatrician today and they said that she just has a lot of fluid on her ears but that it's not infected. He said that we could start an antibiotic prophylacticly, but there is no way that I'm giving her that augmentin again unless she absolutely needs it. Besides, we'll be seeing the ENT next Thursday. We did find out that she's probably pulling at her ears because she's getting her 1 year molars!!! Her bottom left one has already broke through, and both of the ones on her right side are getting ready to. The Dr. said that the nerve that is in the ear is the same nerve that is in the jaw. Therefore, if she is having pain in her jaw she will probably be pulling and her ears. She has been clingy and cranky all day so I'm hoping that this teething thing doesn't last too long. I didn't even now when she was getting her other teeth, so these molars must really hurt!
We'll be hanging out at home this weekend and hoping for happier days ahead. I'm working quite a bit next week so Ava will be at daycare and there won't be a lot to update. I'll keep you posted on what we find out at her ENT appointment on Thursday. Have a Great weekend!
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