We started the trek down on Friday afternoon, as Nate took a half day of vacation so we could get down there early. I offered to drive (which never happens). My eye was bothering me so I quickly took my contacts out and put on my glasses. That lasted about 2 minutes and my eye was killing me. It was horribly red and painful. So, Nate took over driving duties while I sat shot-gun and cried out of my left eye for the next 5 hours. Ava did a great job all the way down to IA.
Saturday morning our friends Lee & Leah came to Grandma & Grandpa's and we got to meet their new baby Tyler. He is such a cutie, and so tiny next to Ava. Aunt Lisa and cousins Reece & Zackery came that morning as well. We also got to see Aunt Darlene, and cousins Carl & Kristin. Ava stayed home with Grandma & everybody else to dye Easter eggs and take a nap, while Nate and I went into Mt. Vernon to see our friends Nate & Meredith, and meet their new little girl Eden (and of course see their little boy Jackson who is so cute, funny, and full of energy). That evening Uncle Brent arrived to Grandma & Grandpa's and we all hung out, including Grandma Great & Great Grandma for dinner.
Sunday morning Ava was up early again (as she was Sat. morning). She was going down late and getting up early. She was spending a lot of time with her thumb in her mouth and her fingers in her ears once again. I'm glad that I got an antibiotic prescription filled on Friday and started her on that. She sadly just wasn't her happy self though. I was not my happy self either. My eye was killing me and I finally decided that I couldn't take the pain anymore. So, as everybody else got ready to go to church my mom and I went to the ER. I luckily didn't have to wait long at the ER. I was diagnosed with a corneal abrasion, given a script for some antibiotics, and we were out the door in about an hour. My eye is now feeling SO much better and looks 100% better. My eye no longer makes me look like a have a crack addiction. We made it back home before anybody else arrived. All of Grandma B's side of the family came over for lunch and the big Easter egg hunt. We lucked out with the weather...it was sunny and not horribly windy. That evening we went up to Grandma Great's house for dinner. Ava had yet another Easter basket there.
This morning we packed up the car and headed north. We stopped at Nana's for lunch and hung out for a little while. Ava was ready to get out of her car seat. We got home and unpacked around 4:00. Just in time for a little play time, bath time, dinner, and bed. It's going to be an early morning tomorrow. We have to be to the hospital by 6:00 AM for Ava's tubes. With that being said, I'm off to bed.
Hoping that you all had a wonderful Easter. Below are some pictures from Grandma B's camera. I'll get the ones of my camera shortly and try to get some on here.
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