We've been busy this week. Grandma came over to watch Ava on Tuesday and Wednesday while I went to work. Ava was a little fussy and off her schedule, especially on Tuesday. I think that she's just been over tired. Wednesday evening we went to a BBQ with some new friends who have two little girls. Nate had been over there before, but it was my first time meeting them. We had a good time and Ava was perfect! Yesterday Ava had a PT appointment. We did a little shopping before her appointment, and went looking for a high chair. She's getting to the age where we'll start cereal soon so she should probably have something to sit in while she eats. It's just that I feel like our house has been overtaken by baby gear. Anyway, Ava's PT appointment went well and she won't be going back for another month. They want to see her until she starts to sit just to make sure that she doesn't start to lean to one side with her head. I think she'll be fine, but I went along with it.
Daddy is taking a half day of work today so that he can go to Albert Lea with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Wes. There is some football banquet that Grandpa's high school team is being honored at. They should have a good time. Ava and I will be staying home since it will be a late night for them. I have to work this weekend, 12 hour shifts, so I need to be in bed at a descent time. There's not much on the agenda for today except for a walk and bath time. Daddy is meeting us at 1:00 to pick up Ava so that mommy can get her oil changed and Ava doesn't have to sit in that stinky waiting room.
That's all we've got for now. We hope that you had a good week and hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
I LOVE the toe pictures!!! One of my favorite scrapbook layouts I made is of Bella sucking on her toes :)