Saturday morning Ava and I got up early (earlier than I wanted to, thanks Ava) and went for a walk. That's about as much as we made it outside. The rain started a little later and the storms rolled in and out throughout the day. We did go over to Dick & Renee's big "fireworks party" for a short while. Ava and I were only there for about an hour since Ava had to eat and go to bed. Dick & Renee live only two houses down so it's quite convenient. Every year there are fireworks on Lower Hay Lake, just down from our cabin. It's been very nice in the past because we are so close to them and can watch them from the yard. Well, they aren't as much fun when you're watching them and praying that they don't wake up your infant. You would have thought I was a crazy lady as I went running around the house closing all the windows at the first wound of the fireworks. Ava, taking after her father, slept right through them.
Sunday the weather was much nicer, but Ava was a bit cranky so we didn't get a chance to enjoy it. There were guys there working on the deck so Ava was not able to get her naps in like she should have. This made her quite cranky, which in turn made me a little cranky and exhausted. We were all exhausted on the way home and Nate and I talked about how I would just give Ava her bath this morning rather than deal with it last night. Well, that changed when we got home and Nate took her out of her carseat. I don't know if it's her way of telling us that she's tired of all these road trips or what, but she had another massive blow out. She went straight from the changing table to the bath tub while I cleaned her carseat and threw all the pads in the washing machine. She did a great job eating her cereal last night. I think she's starting to get the hang of it. Then she went to bed and slept great. I had to wake her this morning.
She's been taking about 4 little cat naps throughout the day. The times are pretty consistent, but I'm hoping that I can figure out a way to combine her naps into 2 longer naps so that she doesn't get so fussy. She just gets overtired, and when she's done she's done.
That's about all that's new with us. I'm working tonight and tomorrow so Grandma will be coming over in the afternoons until Daddy gets off work. He'll have to miss golf tonight, but I think he's over it. I hope that your week is off to a good start!
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