So, we started out doing a little tummy time before our appointments yesterday and all of a sudden...
That's right, Ava rolled over for the first time yesterday afternoon. I'm pretty sure it was a mistake and it probably won't happen for another three weeks, but she did it. She's become quite the little wiggle worm and is very strong. She can really get her arms and legs going. I'm sure it won't be too much longer before she can roll from her back to her tummy.
Ava had her PT appointment yesterday. Her physical therapist seems to be very impressed with the progress that she has made, and with how strong she is. We had initially thought that she would go for another month, but I think that I'll ask at our next appointment if she really needs to continue the therapy. They showed us one more exercise to do with her. Grandma stayed with her at her appointment since I had to leave half way through for my dentist appointment. I am happy to report that my appointment went well also, and there are no cavities! :)
Today I had to work so Grandma came to watch Ava. Work was a little odd today since we are preparing for the strike tomorrow. I was in the ER and our hospital was on divert for the morning and then went off for the afternoon. There are very few hospital beds available in the twin cities right now which is a little scary. I feel so bad for the patients right now, as they are the ones that are put in the middle of this contract negotiation with the strike. I hope that they understand that we're striking for their safety!!! It's hard to have to explain to a patient that we may have to transfer them to another hospital since we have no beds to admit to since we have closed units in preparation for the strike tomorrow. Once tomorrow is over I hope that the hospitals and the union can get back to the tables and actually negotiate a fair contract. I just want this all to be over so that we can do our jobs...and do them safely! I'll be walking the picket line tomorrow, but have decided not to take Ava. I really thought that I would take her, but after thinking about it I have decided against it. It will be loud there, there is no place to change her (since we obviously can't go in to use the bathrooms in the hospital), and it's not fair to her to stick her in her car seat/stroller for that long.
Well I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed. Please keep us nurses in your thoughts tomorrow, and say a prayer that our patients are getting the quality care that they deserve from the agency nurses. Also, please pray that we (the hospitals and the union) can come together and talk!
congratulations ava!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!