Ava had her 4 month well baby check up this morning. Unfortunately we had to drive all the way to Hudson again since our Dr. is over there covering for another physician this week. It's worth the drive though, I just love our pediatrician (I know, I've said that before). She said that Ava is doing great. She looks happy and healthy. Today Ava weighed in at 16 lbs, 3 oz (95
th percentile), and was 26 3/4 inches long (97
th percentile). Her weight gain has slowed down from a couple of months ago, which was a little bit of a relief...she was packing on the pounds for awhile there. She's become much more active so I'm sure that's part of it. She still hasn't rolled over again (after she accidentally did that one time), but she is so close. She's got two great cheerleaders (mommy and daddy) encouraging her every day. Ava got another three shots today. I was so worried because the last time that she got immunizations she ran a fever and her little legs got all red and swollen. I
pre-medicated her with
Tylenol again, and have been giving it to her every four hours today. She has done Great! No fever and her legs are not nearly as sensitive as they were last time. What a relief!!! I was dreading today thinking that we were going to have a repeat of her last reaction. Thank you God for answering prayers!
I head back to work tomorrow evening, and then Ava and I are heading up to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa on Friday morning. Daddy will be joining us after he gets off work on Friday. We're heading up in the morning since it's more conducive to Ava's schedule. She usually sleeps in the car, so it's slightly problematic when we leave in the evening and then she sleeps for 2 1/2 hours right before her bedtime. We'll be looking forward to seeing him and spending some time together this weekend. We haven't been able to spend much time together as a family this week due to golf and me working evenings. I'm hoping that the weather holds out this weekend. Ava has a very cute swimsuit with matching hat that she needs to wear! :)
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post when we arrive home from the cabin! :)

Ava & Lovey taking a nap in the swing

Ava trying on her sunglasses as we packed for the cabin today (they fit plenty snug on her big head...I wonder who she gets that from)

Ava and one of her battle wounds on her right leg.
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