Grant Gregory came into our lives and made our family complete. It's hard to believe how quickly two years have gone. I feel like he has grown so much in just the past month. His vocabulary is expanding almost daily, and his stubbornness gets more stubborn almost daily as well. He is constantly singing his ABCs and counting (sometimes in Spanish). He loves to mimic everything, and I mean everything, that his sister does.
His temperament seems to be changing a bit as well. Perhaps it's not his temperament, he's just becoming more independent (which I love and but also hate when I'm in a hurry). We were extremely lucky with Ava and never really experienced the "terrible two's". I'm pretty sure that we may get more than we bargained for with Grant. He had the biggest melt down this past weekend at the wedding. Shockingly enough guess what it was! Oh, not just any food but a cupcake. A whole table of cupcakes. After my blood was boiling and I was ready to take him home, I handed him off to Nate and when I returned he was smiling and devouring a cupcake. Ava informed us on the way home from the dance that she had two cupcakes that night. Grant piped in and said, "I had free (3)" and was so very proud.
Along with his tantrum he was also stuck to me like glue all weekend. Everybody tried to help me out, but he just cried when I wasn't around. He's once again crying at daycare drop off, and when I took Ava to dance last evening I left him with a sitter. As I pulled away from the house I looked in my review mirror and saw this snot faced little boy running down the driveway after me crying "mama". I felt worse for the sitter than I did for Grant. Praying that this phase ends very very soon!
As I mentioned, we were at a wedding Saturday. My cousin Daniel and his wife Vanessa got married. We went back to IA Friday morning in time for Daddy to go play golf with his buddy Nathan that afternoon. It was so great to be back and see most of my family. My brother and sister-in-law were even back from MO. I enjoyed every minute that I got to spend with everybody, and can't wait to see some of them again this weekend for Grant's birthday party.
Grant's big birthday party is on Saturday. We didn't do to much to celebrate today. We had ECFE this morning, and Ava started swim lessons this evening. I'm so glad that she enjoys them. She told me multiple times, "I love swim lessons". Unfortunately, she is not good at them! Thankfully she likes them and doesn't yet realize that swimming is not her forte. The teacher told me today that she should really be swimming with her face in the water and that she may have to move back a class. I don't know why I was so bothered by this. I don't want to be one of "those parents" who thinks my kid has to be best at everything. However, I did struggle with that tonight as one of the 3 1/2 yr old girls skipped two classes and is already swimming. So Ava won't be a professional swimmer, why do I care? I don't know, but I do. I sure hope I feel better about this tomorrow. Like I said, I don't want to be one of "those parents". She 4 1/2 for the love! As long as she doesn't drown that's the important thing.
Anyway, back to Grant. We got home from swim lessons, had dinner, and he enjoyed the messiest and yummiest cupcake of his life. It was then off to bath to clean up the cupcake and time for a few presents. He loved his new books from Auntie Lisa P., Uncle Craig, & Nick. He read those for bedtime, grabbed his football, gave kisses and hugs, and headed off to bed (with his football). As of last night, he can no longer sleep without one of his footballs. He is such a boy!
I almost forgot to mention, Nate and I "celebrated" our anniversary Monday. Seven years it has been. I remember that day like yesterday as well. It was one of the greatest days of my life. I often tell Nate and I wish we could throw another party like that again. Great friends, family weather, food. It truly was our perfect day. What did we do to celebrate you ask. Well, we both worked, came home and made some pasta for dinner, gave the kids baths, and fell asleep on the couch while watching TV at 9:30 only to wake up at 11:55 to go to bed. Oh how seven years changes things. :) We are actually going to go out to dinner next Monday evening. Rumor has it that Uncle Wes is coming to babysit while Nate and I go out. Could be an interesting night in our house. :)
Thanks for checking in. Have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
Grant loved driving the fire truck. He loves driving anything he can get his hands on.
Balls and tractors, I think he dreams of moments like this.
Ava & Grant fighting over who gets to drive the tractor
Grandma & Grandpa with Zacky, Reece, Ava & Grant
Reece actually took this picture
Our family all together, it was great!
Great Grandma with her great grandchildren
G looking sharp in his suit
My entire family on my mom's side (minus a few)
We missed nap time due to pictures, thankfully he fell asleep at the ceremony. Unfortunately it was at the end of the ceremony.
My mom, sister, and sister-in-laws. Great women!!!
This would be the cupcake that turned Grant's night around (his first of three I guess)
Grandma and her granddaughters (minus Megan)
Aunt Sara got him away for a little while, but he just had to be near me.
Both of the kids got a second wind (or perhaps a sugar rush) and rocked the dance floor.
My Aunt Darlene and me.
My cool dude.
Happy Birthday G-man. We love you so very much!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
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