Saturday morning Ava and I hung out while Nate went to ref basketball. That afternoon we headed to Apple Valley to hang out with a group of Nate's high school friends. It was so nice to see everybody again, catch up, and meet "baby Catherine". Ava spent most of the time pooping. Yes, that's right. We were only at Liz & Eric's house for about 4 hours, and she went through 5 diapers in that time. She kept coming up to us and saying, "I pooped in my diaper". One would think that she's ready for potty training since she can tell us when she poops, and usually tells me every morning, "I'm wet, I need my diaper changed". We picked up some Dora "big girl undies" at Target on Sunday. She loves to look at them and try them on over her clothes. However, she has no desire to use the potty right now. So, I guess we hold off a bit longer rather than fight her on it.
Sunday morning we were off to church and then over to Mema & Boppa's. We headed home after nap so that we could do fun stuff, like cleaning the house. We found out that evening that my cousin Amanda got engaged...congrats to her and Mike. Then Monday evening Uncle Marc called us to tell us that he and Sara got engaged. I asked Ava if she knew what Uncle Marc gave Sara. Her eyes lit up and she answered, "a diamond". We are super excited for them. And look forward to all the celebrating.
Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Ava spent the day at daycare since both Nate and I worked. She took her valentines for her friends, along with some treats and had a party. It was a low key night here. I've never been one to love Valentine's Day, and actually threaten Nate that I will kill him if he ever sends me flowers on the most expensive day of the year. Rather than fighting crowds we opted to stay in for dinner and made our own pizzas. They were delicious...sun dried tomatoes, basil, artichoke hearts, and goat cheese...yum (that was mine, Nate's had meat)! We ended the evening with The Bachelor. Romantic huh?
Ava continues to surprise me every day with her new words. Last week at breakfast we were sitting there and all of a sudden she started to count in spanish. Evidently Ava can count to 6 in spanish...where did she learn that from? She can now identify all of her letters, and counts to 15 in english. One of my favorite sayings is, "Oh, that will be fun" . Last week I held up an outfit and asked if she wanted to wear it the next day. She responded by saying, "I guess that will do". I just started laughing. Sometimes she sounds like such an adult.
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