What a beautiful and fun filled weekend! We lucked out and had the most beautiful weather this weekend. I'll give you a little run down of the weekend, but the pictures will show all the fun...
Friday evening I came home from work and Lauryn was here hanging out with Nate & Ava. She stayed for dinner and Ava got to spend some time playing with her. Ava has become quite fond of her. When I ask Ava what we should do every day she responds, "Lauryn". Lauryn has volunteered to watch Ava once a week now that Nate is heading back to work. We are so grateful for this and hope that Lauryn doesn't regret this decisions. :)
Saturday morning we packed up and met Grandma &
Boppa so that we could go to Emma
Krumbee's Scarecrow Festival in Belle
Plaine (about an hour away). We had such a great time (see pictures below). It was a little chilly in the early morning, but it turned into a gorgeous day. I'm glad that we got there early, as it got a little busy as we were getting ready to leave.
After we got home Daddy whipped up an amazing apple crisp and a delicious dinner for our friends Kate & Mo who came up for the evening. They are expecting their first baby in December and we couldn't be more excited for them. Kate looks amazing! It was great to see them and catch up.
We were up bright and early this morning so that we could go to St. Paul to cheer on Uncle Wes as he crossed the finish line after running 10 miles (I honestly can't imagine doing such a thing). Congrats to Uncle Wes for finishing strong (and to Janna who finished a whole marathon!). After Uncle Wes was done we headed to breakfast and then we were homeward bound. Ava & I took a nice nap and then went to Uncle
Wes's house so that Daddy to get a haircut. We all went to the park and then headed home for dinner. Ava made a stop at the potty chair (see picture below) and then she was off to bed. I'm sure she'll sleep well tonight.
Tomorrow Nate will start his new job. We're all very excited for him and hope that he likes it. Congrats & Good Luck Daddy...we love you!

I had been prepping Ava all week about how were were going to ride a camel and it was going to be SO much fun. She would even tell you that she was going to ride one. Well this is Nick the camel. He's better trained than most dogs. As soon as we walked up next to him Ava put a death grip on me and when I asked if she wanted to ride I got a very stern "no" in response. Nick was very sweet and even gave Ava a kiss (which she did not appreciate). Needless to say, Ava and I did not get our camel ride...

So I thought I'd give the ponies a try. This is pretty much the look she had on her face the whole time (all 15 feet that we made it before I took her off and we made a quick exit).

After a bit of sweet talking she decided that she would try the "
choo choo" with Daddy. It was a tight fit, but she and Daddy made it work. By the end Ava was waving to people and having a great time.

The Hulk Hogan scare crow

Ava LOVED driving the tractors

Grandma & Ava

Ava & Mommy driving the trike

Daddy & Mommy (yes, I made Nate do this)

Ava's 1st milk shake

Ava's 1st milk shake mustache :)

I can't believe how big she has gotten!

Picking apples with
Gathering as many apples as she can (and then she thought it would be fun to throw them like a ball)

Taking a moment for the important things in life (like picking up rocks)

Boppa, Grandma, & Ava

Exhausted after a day at the apple orchard!

It was a cold morning and we had breakfast on the go so we could make it down to watch Uncle Wes.

Uncle Wes looking great after his 10 mile run. Way to go!

This would be Ava putting her potty away after she peed in it! That's right, Ava peed in the big girl potty tonight!!!
Ok, well it was kind of an accident but it still kind of counts. She was sitting on her potty and appeared to be done. We was walking back into her room and said, "poop" so I told her to come back in and sit down. As she stood in the
bathroom she started to pee on the floor (yet another load of laundry to do tonight) so I grabbed her and put her on the potty. She continued to go. She was startled when Nate and I started to cheer and clap. She soon joined in, smiling and clapping along. Hopefully she can put two and two together and this will be the start of a short and successful potty training mission (there's always wishful thinking).
LOVE all the photos!!!!