Daddy also celebrated a birthday this week. Friday he turned 31. We ran a few errands in the morning and then went out to lunch together before Ava and I got our hair cut. That afternoon he went golfing with Uncle Wes and then out to dinner. We didn't see a whole lot of each other, but he had a good time and that's the important thing.
Saturday Ava got to spend the afternoon/evening with John, Cheryl, & Jonathan while Nate and I went tailgating and then to the gopher game. The weather was a little cool, but much better than the week before when it was way to hot. We had a great time hanging out with everybody, and really enjoyed our time with Uncle Wes & Janna. The gophers even managed to pull off a win. We left a few minutes early to beat traffic so we could pick Ava up at a decent hour. Well she was still having a great time when we arrived at John & Cheryl's. She almost made it home, but fell asleep about 2 miles from home. She was exhausted and is trying to fight off a cold. She woke up a little early today, and then blessed us with a nap that lasted almost 3 hours. I'm hoping that she sleeps well tonight and can get rid of this cold quickly.
Now, our last first... Yes, Ava's first swear word. Ava now repeats almost everything that we say. Thursday somebody in this house (I won't mention names, but it wasn't me) was cleaning Ava up and I heard them say, "sh*t". Immediately following that I hear little Ava's voice saying "sh*t". This was a very good reminder to that person that we have to be very careful of what we say. Luckily she has not repeated it again. I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before she says it on her own, along with many other words that we don't approve of.
Congrats on the new glad it is all figured out! And yes, they repeat EVERYTHING you say! :)