Silly me, I thought that we had avoided the "separation anxiety" stage. I had been reading months ago how Ava was supposed to be going through this stage. I kept thinking how lucky we were, and how wonderful our daughter was that we didn't have to deal with that. Well those days are over. I think that a lot of it has to do with that fact that she's gotten A LOT of mommy & daddy time since Nate lost his job. She only goes to day care once a week and has become quite accustomed to having either Nate or me around all the time.
The problem was brought to our attention when we take her to the gym. Nate takes Ava with him probably 3-4 days a week in the morning. He told me that when he took her on Tuesday that they told him that she cries a lot and it's every day. Well I was obviously very concerned about this...Nate thought it wasn't a big deal. Let me clarify one thing. I'm not concerned about Ava, I'm concerned about the poor people who watch her. They have 20 other kids to watch and it's not like they're making a lot of money watching these kids. So now we have "that kid". You know, the one that they see coming and think to themselves, "oh great, She's here again". So Ava and I had a long talk yesterday before going to the gym about how she was going to play and not cry, and that mommy and daddy love her very much and will always come back to pick her up. She obviously wasn't listening. We took her again today and I was told that she cried on and off. At least she wasn't crying when I dropped her off or picked her up, and she didn't have snot all over her face. So, I'm hoping that it will get better once she starts going to daycare more frequently. I just don't want her to be "that kid".
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
So much to celebrate
We have had so much to celebrate this past week. A job offer, a birthday, Ava's 1st swear word, and a Gopher win. Let's start with the job offer. We are very excited to share with you that Nate will be starting a new job on Oct. 3rd. He accepted a position at Wolters Kluwer as a business development manager. He will be working in downtown Minneapolis. We're hoping that he'll be able to take the bus to work. It will cut down on gas as well as the ridiculous cost of parking downtown. Ava will be sad that Daddy won't be here every morning when she gets up, but we're happy that this time of uncertainty is over. We want to thank all of you for your thoughts, prayers, and support during this time of transition for us!
Daddy also celebrated a birthday this week. Friday he turned 31. We ran a few errands in the morning and then went out to lunch together before Ava and I got our hair cut. That afternoon he went golfing with Uncle Wes and then out to dinner. We didn't see a whole lot of each other, but he had a good time and that's the important thing.
Saturday Ava got to spend the afternoon/evening with John, Cheryl, & Jonathan while Nate and I went tailgating and then to the gopher game. The weather was a little cool, but much better than the week before when it was way to hot. We had a great time hanging out with everybody, and really enjoyed our time with Uncle Wes & Janna. The gophers even managed to pull off a win. We left a few minutes early to beat traffic so we could pick Ava up at a decent hour. Well she was still having a great time when we arrived at John & Cheryl's. She almost made it home, but fell asleep about 2 miles from home. She was exhausted and is trying to fight off a cold. She woke up a little early today, and then blessed us with a nap that lasted almost 3 hours. I'm hoping that she sleeps well tonight and can get rid of this cold quickly.
Now, our last first... Yes, Ava's first swear word. Ava now repeats almost everything that we say. Thursday somebody in this house (I won't mention names, but it wasn't me) was cleaning Ava up and I heard them say, "sh*t". Immediately following that I hear little Ava's voice saying "sh*t". This was a very good reminder to that person that we have to be very careful of what we say. Luckily she has not repeated it again. I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before she says it on her own, along with many other words that we don't approve of.
Ryan made Daddy a birthday cake for tailgating. He even made it from scratch which was quite impressive (considering that I brought store bought cupcakes).
Getting out her puzzle which she just loves to play with
Daddy also celebrated a birthday this week. Friday he turned 31. We ran a few errands in the morning and then went out to lunch together before Ava and I got our hair cut. That afternoon he went golfing with Uncle Wes and then out to dinner. We didn't see a whole lot of each other, but he had a good time and that's the important thing.
Saturday Ava got to spend the afternoon/evening with John, Cheryl, & Jonathan while Nate and I went tailgating and then to the gopher game. The weather was a little cool, but much better than the week before when it was way to hot. We had a great time hanging out with everybody, and really enjoyed our time with Uncle Wes & Janna. The gophers even managed to pull off a win. We left a few minutes early to beat traffic so we could pick Ava up at a decent hour. Well she was still having a great time when we arrived at John & Cheryl's. She almost made it home, but fell asleep about 2 miles from home. She was exhausted and is trying to fight off a cold. She woke up a little early today, and then blessed us with a nap that lasted almost 3 hours. I'm hoping that she sleeps well tonight and can get rid of this cold quickly.
Now, our last first... Yes, Ava's first swear word. Ava now repeats almost everything that we say. Thursday somebody in this house (I won't mention names, but it wasn't me) was cleaning Ava up and I heard them say, "sh*t". Immediately following that I hear little Ava's voice saying "sh*t". This was a very good reminder to that person that we have to be very careful of what we say. Luckily she has not repeated it again. I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before she says it on her own, along with many other words that we don't approve of.
Monday, September 12, 2011
First Down!
"First down", or rather, "Down!!!" is Ava's newest word (not really new, but used in a new context). Unfortunately she didn't get to use it enough at the game on Saturday. Ava was a trooper and headed out with us for the gopher opener on Saturday. We got down there to tail gait around 10:30, and left around 7:00 that evening. I was amazed at how good Ava was. Sadly enough, the game was not so good. It was supposed to be a blow out according to Nate, but we found a way to lose. It was quite the day for Ava. She enjoyed the tailgating which involved reading stories, playing "bags", going for a walk, and eating lots of fruit and Daddy's yummy homemade pretzels. She actually enjoyed watching part of the game. She liked trying to figure out where the ball was (which I sometimes have a hard time finding myself). A couple of times after a bad play she would yell, "oh no"! It was really quite cute! After the 3rd quarter Grandma, Ava, and I headed to the bathroom since Ava needed a diaper change and we wanted to get out of the sun. It was quite hot on Saturday. We went out to the parking lot when there was about 4 minutes left in the game. Forty minutes later everybody else finally arrives to the parking lot. With 20 seconds left on the clock the Gopher coach had a seizure on the sideline. A bad ending to a bad game. We packed up and got stuck in horrible traffic. Ava was asleep in no time. We got home, had a late dinner, took a bath, and she was out cold for the night. What an exhausting day for our little gopher fan!
Sunday morning we went to church and then over to Grandma & Boppa V's. We went and looked at a couple Parade of Homes houses and a couple of open houses by Grandma & Boppa's (way out of our price range, but fun to look at). Ava had LOTS of energy even though she only napped for 45 minutes. That kid was everywhere! At one point I looked across the master bedroom and saw a pair of men's socks in the middle of the floor. I thought that was quite odd. That is until I noticed that the dresser drawer was open and our little peanut was on the other side of the room. That's right, Ava opened the dresser drawer, took out a pair of socks and threw them on the floor. I don't know how she is so quick! Lauryn was with us, which makes 5 of us watching her and we still can't keep up. We left there shortly after she was done telling the couches good-bye (waving and saying, "bye couch").
I think today is supposed to be our last "hot" day of the summer/fall. I'm actually looking forward to the cooler days, but am already dreading winter. I love jeans and sweatshirt weather. Here's hoping for a long fall and a short winter!
Getting the cooler ready to go tailgate
Ava & Grandma reading nursery rhymes in the shade
Sunday morning we went to church and then over to Grandma & Boppa V's. We went and looked at a couple Parade of Homes houses and a couple of open houses by Grandma & Boppa's (way out of our price range, but fun to look at). Ava had LOTS of energy even though she only napped for 45 minutes. That kid was everywhere! At one point I looked across the master bedroom and saw a pair of men's socks in the middle of the floor. I thought that was quite odd. That is until I noticed that the dresser drawer was open and our little peanut was on the other side of the room. That's right, Ava opened the dresser drawer, took out a pair of socks and threw them on the floor. I don't know how she is so quick! Lauryn was with us, which makes 5 of us watching her and we still can't keep up. We left there shortly after she was done telling the couches good-bye (waving and saying, "bye couch").
I think today is supposed to be our last "hot" day of the summer/fall. I'm actually looking forward to the cooler days, but am already dreading winter. I love jeans and sweatshirt weather. Here's hoping for a long fall and a short winter!
Friday, September 9, 2011
18 months
I'm not really sure where the past two weeks have gone. Ava & Nate left for the cabin a week ago Thursday with Boppa for a long Labor Day weekend. I had to work my 12 hr night shifts so it worked out pretty good. I missed my sweet girl, but from what I hear she had lots of fun and got tons of love and attention. When she arrived home Monday afternoon I felt like she had grown so much during those four days. I'm sure that she didn't, but she just seemed bigger. She came home with a bigger vocabulary. I feel like she picks up a few words almost daily. Her new words were "gopher" and "pontoon". She was also walking around saying, "oh boy" and "hey guys". She's been repeating almost everything we say, which we still find very cute. She now helps us "read" her books. She'll fill in a lot of the words if we pause and give her a chance to talk. She surprises me daily how much she has picked up (or rather memorized from hours of reading every day).
Thursday Ava had her 18 month Dr's appt. It's the first appt. that Nate has been able to go to since she was first born. He was not impressed with how long one has to sit and wait in a Dr's office before being seen. I told him that this was unfortunately normal. We waited 40 minutes for a 15 minute appt. Ava's Dr. was very impressed and said that she looks "perfect". Her ears look great, and the tubes are still in place. What a blessing those tubes have been. We have not had one infection since she got them. She still has her umbilical hernia, but fortunately it has not gotten any bigger. We'll continue to watch it. Dr. Plotnik is still optimistic that it will resolve on its own by the time that she's around 5 yrs old. If not, she'll need surgery which I guess is now an outpatient surgery. She is once again "off the charts" with her measurements. She weighed in at 28 lbs 7 oz, and is 34 1/2 inches tall. Her head circumference is 19 1/2 inches. She got three shots while she was there. She cried, and then on the way home wanted her band aids off and kept saying "hurt, hurt" while pointing to her legs. Today she has fairly large sized circles around her injection sites, but they don't seem to be bothering her. Poor little pumpkin!
Tomorrow is a "big day" as I've been telling Ava tonight (and she repeats it). We'll be heading to TCF Stadium to enjoy some tailgating and the Gophers home opener. Ava will be joining us for the festivities. I'm really hoping that she's able to take a nap in her stroller while tailgating. Otherwise we could be in for a rough game no matter how the gophers play. The weather should be beautiful. I hope that you're all able to get out and enjoy it. We'll update again soon!

Thursday Ava had her 18 month Dr's appt. It's the first appt. that Nate has been able to go to since she was first born. He was not impressed with how long one has to sit and wait in a Dr's office before being seen. I told him that this was unfortunately normal. We waited 40 minutes for a 15 minute appt. Ava's Dr. was very impressed and said that she looks "perfect". Her ears look great, and the tubes are still in place. What a blessing those tubes have been. We have not had one infection since she got them. She still has her umbilical hernia, but fortunately it has not gotten any bigger. We'll continue to watch it. Dr. Plotnik is still optimistic that it will resolve on its own by the time that she's around 5 yrs old. If not, she'll need surgery which I guess is now an outpatient surgery. She is once again "off the charts" with her measurements. She weighed in at 28 lbs 7 oz, and is 34 1/2 inches tall. Her head circumference is 19 1/2 inches. She got three shots while she was there. She cried, and then on the way home wanted her band aids off and kept saying "hurt, hurt" while pointing to her legs. Today she has fairly large sized circles around her injection sites, but they don't seem to be bothering her. Poor little pumpkin!
Tomorrow is a "big day" as I've been telling Ava tonight (and she repeats it). We'll be heading to TCF Stadium to enjoy some tailgating and the Gophers home opener. Ava will be joining us for the festivities. I'm really hoping that she's able to take a nap in her stroller while tailgating. Otherwise we could be in for a rough game no matter how the gophers play. The weather should be beautiful. I hope that you're all able to get out and enjoy it. We'll update again soon!
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