Sunday morning we got up and headed to Bloomington to have breakfast and hang out with Grandma & Boppa B. We went to IHop since it was attached to their hotel. We had never eaten at one before. Ava devoured the pancakes! We spent a couple of hours at the hotel. Ava did not lack attention, and Grandma used every moment as a photo op. Ava said "bye bus" and we left. She was asleep within 5 minutes. It's exhausting being loved up so much, not to mention the most photographed child on earth.
Last evening Grandma & Boppa V came over to hang out and we got chinese for dinner. Ava scarfed down my chicken lo mein like she hadn't eaten in days. Lucky for me Daddy got that diaper today. :)
I was off today. We all went to the gym this morning. We ended up leaving early, as Ava did not want to play there. She has been "something" today. She's quite defiant. I'm not sure why, or when it started, but I'm not a fan. Last evening she took two Dove chocolates out of the candy dish and bit into them (wrapper and all). Of course, I wasn't there (I think she has Daddy wrapped around her finger and challenges him more than me. I'm the "mean" parent). She has now been told that those are only for "big people". So far it's worked. This afternoon I was upstairs putting some laundry in and Nate yells up, "how do you get crayon out of furniture". Well I knew that couldn't be good. I went downstairs to find that Ava (who was sitting at her desk coloring on her paper with Nate right next to her when I went upstairs) had taken her blue crayon and evidently ran to the big chair and drew a Very long straight line down the middle of the cushion. Thanks to Resolve carpet cleaner you can no longer see it. She can now tell me that she only uses her colors on "paper". We'll see if that works. I think that she's hit the terrible two's about 6 months too early.
Tomorrow she's off to day care. We'll see what kind of trouble she gets in to there. Hope that you're all having a great week!

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