The past two weeks have been a whirl wind. When I haven't been working we've had a guest or we've been out of town. I started off the week of the 8
th working Monday through Wednesday. Thursday morning our friend Tommy arrived from
Decorah. It had been far to long since we had seen him. We were so happy that he could make the trip up here before school started. We spent the afternoon at the farmer's market and went "mini golfing" on the real turf course at Centennial Lakes Park. Unfortunately strollers were not allowed on the greens. So, Ava was on the loose! She was the ball collector and took her job very seriously. She was constantly on the go, and sometimes our goal was to hit our ball before she got a hold of it. That evening we grilled, put Ava to bed, and enjoyed a nice fire outside with some wine and
smores. What a great evening! Friday morning Nate and Ava headed to the lake (since I had to work my 12 hour weekend shift) while Tommy and I made our way to the mall. After lunch it was back to
Decorah for Tommy. Tommy, it was great seeing you. We can hopefully meet up again this fall!
Friday afternoon and evening I was home alone. I have to admit that I was looking forward to taking a nap and just having some quiet time. I did enjoy the nap, but the house was eerily quiet that evening. There was nobody throwing food on the floor, asking for a "bite, bite" as I ate my dinner. There were no toys on the floor, giggles or bedtime stories. I sometimes long for "quiet moments" during the chaos of our days. But when I have them, they seem lonely and I can't wait to once again hear "hi mommy,
wuv you" accompanied be giggles and requests to read books.
By the time I got home Sunday evening Ava was already in bed. I packed my bags in
preparation for our early morning departure for De Soto (Des
Moines). We were on the road by 6:30 Monday morning to go and visit my sister, brother-in-law, and nephews.
Zackery really wanted to take Ava to the state fair to see the animals. We got down there in time for lunch and then got to go and visit
Zackery's new school that he was starting at on Wednesday. Monday night my sister was nice enough to watch Ava for us while we met up with our good friends Erin and Kevin for dinner. We had a great time...enjoyed
margaritas, has good food, were able to catch up, and everybody watched as our waitress dumped a tray of food all over me and my white linen pants. Kevin was laughing so hysterically hard that all I could do was laugh. It was a mess!!! In spite of
the green salsa on my pants and the sour cream in my hair, we had a great time. We wish it could happen more frequently!
Tuesday morning I went in to get Ava. I go in and see her standing in the pack-n-play with no diaper on. She has never taken her diaper off before. I pick up the diaper and hold it, asking her what it was. She pointed at it and said, "diaper, on, on". Her sheet and
blankie were covered in pee, and I quickly noted that she was as well (she was sticky from head to toe). Needless to say, she wore the
pj bottoms to bed that night. In to the shower she went with Nate that morning. After breakfast we packed our umbrellas and ventured out to the state fair. It rained on and off throughout the morning, but wasn't bad. Ava and the boys enjoyed seeing the animals and of course all of the food. Ava made sure to try everything...
corn dog, cheese curd, funnel cake
popsicle, chocolate chip cookies, and chicken strips. She of course loved everything (shocking, I know). She was exhausted by the time that we left that afternoon. Nate and Brent went and played golf that evening while Ava played outside with Reece and enjoyed a MUCH needed bubble bath.
Wednesday morning Grandma &
Boppa Becker were there when we awoke. Brent and Nate picked them up from the airport around 12:30 am, as they got back from their Alaskan cruise. Ava got up and had a pancake breakfast with
Zackery before he boarded the bus for his first day of school at his new school. Ava was obviously exhausted from her day at the fair because later that morning she fell asleep on Grandma's lap and it was almost impossible to wake her up for lunch. We all had lunch and then loaded the car for the ride home. Ava slept for another 2 hours on the way home which makes the drive go so much more enjoyable.
Yesterday she went to day care and today she was home with daddy. She slept in both days. I think that she's ready for a weekend at home as well. She'll be spending tomorrow evening at home with our family friend Cheryl while Nate and I meet up with my parents to go to the Twins game. The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I can't wait for an evening out at the ballpark.

Ava & Tommy on their way to pick up Tommy's golf ball

She is so excited to be wearing Black & Gold! :)

Zackery, & Ava with the biggest bore runner-up

Ava petting the largest bore

Ava petting a calf

Learning to lead a calf. I don't know that she's so much a 4H kind of girl.

Exhausted, and this is before she ate all of the food.

Ava & Reece

Ava with her apron and hat on, getting rather to gather her fruits and veggies in her basket at the "helping hands" farm

Reece and Ava picking apples

Ava on the run

Trying to get as much funnel cake in her mouth as possible

Our attempt at a family picture before we left the fair. Ava was asleep within 5 minutes after this picture was taken.

Erin & me
Zackery & Ava enjoying breakfast together before his first day of school
Boppa & Ava with their hats on

One happy Grandma with one exhausted little girl