Ava's fun started on Friday when she got home from the gym. Our friends Nathan & Meredith brought Jackson & Eden all the way from IA, and came over to play. Unfortunately I was at work and missed all the fun. Nate said that Jackson & Ava had a great time, making sure that every single toy was removed from the toy box. I'm glad that they all had a good time, but am sad that I missed everybody. I hope to see you guys soon!
Saturday afternoon Ava packed up for a sleepover at Grandma & Boppa V's while Daddy and I went to a wedding. Nate and I had a great time, and really enjoyed our night out (perhaps with a few too many glasses of wine). It was reported that Ava was a good girl and had lots of fun. Unfortunately she decided to wake Grandma & Boppa up at 6:00 on Sunday. I guess she was just excited to see them. Daddy met up with them at church while I slept (I had to work my 12 hour night shift Sunday), and then headed back over for some more play time.
Saturday afternoon Ava packed up for a sleepover at Grandma & Boppa V's while Daddy and I went to a wedding. Nate and I had a great time, and really enjoyed our night out (perhaps with a few too many glasses of wine). It was reported that Ava was a good girl and had lots of fun. Unfortunately she decided to wake Grandma & Boppa up at 6:00 on Sunday. I guess she was just excited to see them. Daddy met up with them at church while I slept (I had to work my 12 hour night shift Sunday), and then headed back over for some more play time.
Yesterday Ava turned 17 months old. I was too tired from my night shift to even think about taking her picture, sorry. I can't believe the little person that she is becoming. I feel like every day she learns a new word or a new expression. She is growing so fast. It's hard to believe that a year ago she could barely roll over. Now she's this cute (sometimes whiny) little sassy thing. One moment she has me so frustrated, the next minute I'm laughing at something she's done or an expression that she's made, and the next minute my heart is melting as she snuggles into my shoulder, gives me a kiss good-night, and says, "love you" (more like whove ooh). We are so blessed to have this healthy and happy little girl. As much as I enjoy my quiet time during her naps, I can't imagine how "quiet" our lives would be without her.

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