Grandma &
Boppa Becker finally arrived to our house Friday morning around 1:30 am. Ava was so excited to see them Friday morning and head up to the cabin. We even got to stop at Pizza Ranch for lunch on the way up. Ava enjoyed sampling everything off of Grandma's plate, and putting back the things that she didn't like after she had them in her mouth. Unfortunately, the weather was really crummy all and rainy. Friday we just hung out and we stopped at a couple of shops in town while Grandpa took a nap. Saturday morning Grandma and I got up and went for a bike ride. We went 20 miles, which I didn't think was too bad considering that I hadn't ridden for about 2 years. My butt could
definitely tell it had been that long, as it was quite sore that evening.
Boppa & Daddy made it out on the lake to fish for a couple of hours, and we went on a little boat ride before dinner. We even got to play some cards after Ava went to sleep.
Sunday was Father's Day. Nate made us a nice breakfast and then he and Grandma went for a bike ride. They guys headed out fishing for awhile, and after Ava's nap we packed up and headed back to the city. It was back to work for me Monday morning, and Grandma &
Boppa packed up and headed out Monday morning as well. The weekend went far to quickly, and we wish we would have had nicer weather. However, we still enjoyed the time that we got to spend with Grandma &
Boppa. We hope that they had a good time as well, and hope that they'll come to play again soon. Thanks for the visit!!!
Just a little side note before signing off for the night. Today was Ava's last day in the infant room. She is officially considered a toddler at daycare when she goes next week. I'm pretty sure that she was in there all day today. That was except for when they were stuck in the bathroom (aka, tornado shelter) while the sirens were going off today.
Luckily the bad storms missed our house. I honestly can't imagine being stuck in a bathroom with a bunch of infants and toddlers, sounds like a natural disaster in itself!
Boppa & Ava reading "Brown Bear"

Grandma & Ava

One shoe on, one shoe off...this picture cracks me up

A little
kissy for Daddy

Grandma & Ava getting ready for a boat ride

Ava, the co-captain of the boat, sleeping

Ava helping Daddy open his Father's Day gift

A little family photo before heading back home

Grandma, Ava, Mommy, &
Boppa Becker

Ava with
Boppa & Grandma Becker

One last walk with Grandma &
Boppa before they head home to IA
We will be praying for Nate's job! :)