Our little peanut turned 1 yr old on Friday! We thought we would start celebrating early so we woke her up at 6:00 am, quickly changed her diaper, her clothes, and tossed her in the car to begin our birthday road trip to IA. Nate had the good idea to leave early so that she would sleep. In theory it sounded like a great idea. Ava, however, was way to excited about her birthday to sleep. We ended up stopping in Medford for breakfast...we didn't make it quite as far as we had hoped before our first pit stop. Ava had her usual cereal and bottle, and then had a little taste of McDonalds breakfast for the first time. A little biscuit, sausage, and a bite of hash brown and we were on our way.
We were almost to Des Moines when I lifted Ava's leg and saw that her jeans were wet...NEVER good! Please note that she has been on three different antibiotics since Feb. 2nd. Lots of antibiotics = lots of loose stools. We pulled over at a rest area and went in to change her. As I pulled her top up I saw that her onesie was no longer white. So, Ava had a quick wardrobe change in the cold rest area bathroom which she was not happy about. A quick recommendation for those who design rest areas...please provide a counter or some place to put things near the koala changing station. It's difficult to hold a diaper bag, clean clothes, poopy clothes, a dirty diaper (since the trash is on the other side of the room), put on a clean diaper, and make sure that your child doesn't roll off onto the concrete floor all at the same time.
So, a new wardrobe and we hit the road. We got to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brent's just in time for lunch. Ava was not interested in taking a nap (most likely due to the pain in her ear, which we'll get to in another post) so she joined Lisa, Daddy, and me on our trip to pick up groceries and her birthday cake. We then got to pick up cousin Reece. He was so excited to see Ava. Nate went and watched Zackery bowl for a little while, but made sure to be home by 5:22 (the time of Ava's birth). By dinner time Ava was exhausted and not feeling real well. Aunt Lisa had made and decorated a birthday cake for Ava. She really liked the frosting! After that, it was off to bed to get ready for her big party on Saturday.
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