It's been a pretty low key week here. We had a great lazy weekend. Saturday morning Ava was still not feeling well, but was back to normal by the afternoon. We're attributing it her two new teeth that made an appearance on Tuesday. That makes for a grand total of seven teeth; four on bottom and three on top. We had nothing planned all weekend and it was so wonderful. We hung out at home on Saturday, and then went over to Grandma Veldman's on Sunday after church to play with her and Uncle Wes. Monday was daycare day, Tuesday afternoon Grandma came to play with Ava while I went to work an evening shift, and yesterday Daddy came home at 1:00 to play while I went to the dentist.
Tonight we moved Ava's crib down to the lowest position. We also flipped her mattress over to the "toddler side" since she's obviously over 20 lbs. I can't look at her and think that she really is going to be entering the toddler stage soon. How did my baby get so big so quickly? I feel like it was not that long ago that my parents were here rocking her in the middle of the night so that Nate and I could get a couple of hours of sleep after bringing her home from the hospital. I know that each stage that she goes through is fun and exciting. It just seems like she's going through them too quickly. I am so grateful that I get to spend as much time with her as I do. She amazes me everyday with new little tricks that she learns. She is such a happy little girl. No matter how many times I tell her that I love her in a day, she can't understand how deep that love is. There truly are no words to describe a mother's love. God has truly blessed us!
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