Saturday morning we were on the road at 9 am to meet up with the rest of the Veldmans in Hollandale to celebrate Christmas. It was great to see everybody, and cousin Steph even surprised us by showing up (she now lives in Illinois). We had to leave around 4 that afternoon in order to get home for Ava's dinner time. But it was great to see everybody. Ava really enjoyed her time with Nana, as she read her a book and fed her a bottle before we had to leave.
This morning we went to church and Ava experienced the church nursery for the first time. We've been talking about taking her in there for a while now. She's just getting to "busy" and it was getting to the point where either Nate or I would have to take her out or we would constantly be passing her back and forth, not getting anything out of the service. It's also hard since we go to the 9:15 service and that is her usual nap time. She did just great at the nursery, and we really enjoyed the service. After church we went over to Mike, Kristi, & Cora's house. Our friends Joe & Amy were visiting from Chicago for the weekend, and we are so grateful that they all included us in their plans so that we could see them again. We had a wonderful brunch over there, and enjoyed catching up with them a bit. We left around 1:00 when Ava had her melt down from not napping. The poor little thing was exhausted (and she woke up with a runny nose so is probably trying to fight off a cold or is teething as well). She fell asleep on the way home, and then slept until almost 3:30. Now if I could just get her to nap like that every day that I'm home.
On a side note, I keep forgetting to tell you about Ava's new word. She's been saying "uh-oh" for about 2 weeks now. It's usually after she throws her sippy cup onto the floor. Besides the crashing of the cup on the floor constantly, it's really cute. She has now also mastered the sippy cup. She chugs water like there's no tomorrow.
We have a busy start to the week with two full days of day care. I'm hoping that we don't get as much snow as they are predicting. I hate the commute to and from work on snowy days! I'm just so grateful that day care is so close to our house.
Hope that you had a wonderful weekend, and have a great start to your week!