Daddy took a half day off of work today so that we could go and get our Christmas tree. We opted out of going to the tree farm, and ended up getting a
pre-cut tree from a lot. As I sit here and type this, I take in the aroma of our new tree...I love the smell of real Christmas trees! We still don't have the lights or decorations on it, but it's definitely looking more like Christmas in the house. It's about time, this definitely helps get me in the Christmas spirit. Ava came home from daycare yesterday with a new decoration for the tree. It's a little ball ornament that has her hand print on it. It is so cute!
We had plans to go up to the cabin this weekend but are now staying home. They are forecasting -30 degree windchill on Sunday and Monday. We figured if we're going to be stuck inside we might as well do it here in the cities rather than drive 2 1/2 hours to do it. Perhaps we'll take Ava to see Santa this weekend. We're hoping that she'll kick this cold that she has. She has a horrible cough and is all stuffed up. I hate it when she's trying to eat and she can't breath out of her nose. Poor little thing!
We thank you for checking in with us. Have a great weekend, and stay safe and warm!

Ava trying a nibble of Daddy's cheese slice.

Funny face

Thanks Greg, Anne, Jacob, & Megan for the Quality Chick shirt!

Only our daughter would take her socks off in the middle of winter while wearing a snowsuit.

Picking out our Christmas tree
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