That's one word to describe Ava after our busy week. We left for Des
Moines (
DeSoto) Wednesday afternoon to go to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brent's new house. Ava and I made our first trip alone. Ava did a great job, except for about 15 minutes on the way down when she was tired and wanted her crib and not the
carseat. She was very excited to see her aunt, uncle, and cousins down there. We helped them unpack, went shopping (not for fun stuff), and got a few things organized in their new house. They have a beautiful place out in the country. An added bonus is that Erin, Kevin, Porter, & Magoo came to visit. We only got to see them for a very short time, but really apprecaited them coming over to visit. We miss them a lot! The time went by very quickly, and we were on our way home Saturday morning. Ava was a wonderful passenger. She slept for awhile (she was exhausted from playing with Reece on Thursday, and being hauled around shopping on Friday). She was even good when I had to pull over on the side of the interstate to try to dislodge a hard plastic planting pot that got stuck under my car and melted to the bottom of my car after it flew off a pick-up in front of us (Not cool!). Gone are the days when people stop for nice girls on the side of the interstate. So, under my car I climbed...a few scrapes later I finally
pryed the stupid thing out and we were on our way again. Ava did a great job on the way down and home, but I can't say that traveling alone with a 7 month old is my favorite thing to do. It makes restroom stops a little interesting.
We got home around 1:30 on Saturday. We quickly unpacked and then off to the pumpkin patch we went. Grandma
Veldman came over and joined us. We got to see animals, went on a hayride, and picked out the perfect pumpkins. Ava was tired, but was a trooper and enjoyed being outside. She was asleep very quickly after getting in the car for the ride home.
This morning we went to church and then over to Grandma & Grandpa's. Ava hung out with Daddy & Grandpa while Grandma and I went shopping for a couple of hours. Uncle Wes came over to join the guys for the Vikings game and for dinner. Ava loved all the attention she got, but was extremely over tired. I have no doubt that she'll sleep well tonight, and will be happy to spend the whole day at home tomorrow. Grandma will be coming over to watch her while I work an evening shift.

One more picture of Ava driving the firetruck at Grandma & Grandpa Becker's

Ava's first time swinging at the park

Reece pulling Ava around in his mega blocks wagon

Cousins Reece & Zack

Ava & Cousin Zack playing

Porter, Erin, Ava, Kevin, & Magoo

Ava getting ready to go into the pumpkin patch

Our little pumpkin

Grandma & Ava

Daddy, Mommy, & Ava
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