Ava also has been having a few constipation issues since starting her "real food". We went from liquid blow-outs to tiny pebbles. Don't be mistaken though, those pebbles are packed full of odor. I've never seen something so small that smells so bad! We're going to try peas tonight and if that doesn't help then I'm going to have to cave and give her some apple juice. I don't know why I'm so opposed, but I just don't want to give her juice. I feel like she's to small to be having all that sugar. I sometimes forget that she isn't a newborn anymore though. Her diet is expanding, as she's now had avocado, bananas, sweet potato, and tonight it will be peas. She loves eating her big people food. Heck, she just loves eating...that's one thing she gets from me I guess. :)
This afternoon she'll head back to day care for a 1/2 day. The full days are kind of hard on her because she doesn't get much sleep. At least when she goes in the afternoons she gets at least one really good nap at home. I had to drop her off yesterday for the first time. It's much more fun picking her up than it is dropping her off.
Tomorrow I have the day off. We'll be going to Maple Grove tomorrow morning for Ava's last physical therapy appointment. I'm assuming that they will sign off on her without problems. I work this weekend and Grandma V will be coming over on Saturday to watch Ava while Daddy, Uncles Wes, and Grandpa going to the Gopher football opener. Hoping for nice weather and a win. Have a great weekend!
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