Saturday afternoon Ava stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa Veldman while Daddy and I went tailgating and to watch a horrible Gopher football game. At least the company was good and the weather was nice. Ava tried pears for the first time that night and she is loving those! It was the first sweet fruit that she's tried (the only other fruit was avocado and that doesn't really count). We had it again last night and she gobbled it right up. We'll go back to veggies for a few days and then try apples.
Sunday Ava woke up with snot everywhere and eye boogers so we skipped out on church so she could get a good morning nap in. We then went down to Great Aunt Sandy's house to meet up with Garritt and Jill. They brought us some of cousin Rachel's clothes for Ava, which we greatly appreciated. Ava now has a full closet (nothing new for this girl)! I was supposed to go into work at 3:00, but they called me as we were leaving Aunt Sandy's and cancelled me, so we went to visit Uncle Wes. We had dinner there, and then came home.
Today was beautiful outside so Ava and I got the chance to take a nice long walk. It's supposed to be gorgeous all week, so hopefully we'll be able to spend some time outside before I have to work all weekend.
We hope that your week is off to a good start, and thank you for checking in with us!