Ava had another party to attend on Sunday. We went to church in the morning and then went to Prior Lake for Todd & Amy's wedding reception. They got married in Mexico in February, and then had a reception back here so that more family could attend. It was a beautiful day outside for the reception at the park. The food was delicious and Ava loved seeing Nana and all the other Aunties, Uncles, & cousins.
Monday we got to go out for an early morning walk before heading to St. Paul for a meeting at the hospital. Ava was very well behaved as I learned more about the different proposals for our upcoming contract. We vote on the contract tomorrow and I'm assuming that the majority will vote to strike. It's a somewhat scary time not knowing what the future holds. It's scary that if we go on strike we don't know the people that will be taking care of "our" patients. Are they good nurses with a good education and good experience? Are they kind and caring, or are they just in it for the money (because they will be making A LOT of money). Time will tell. As I've said before, hopefully it will not come down to a strike. I'm really hoping that negotiations will go well prior to June 1st (when the strike will most likely take place). Anyway, after going to the meeting Ava and I went over to Maple Grove. We picked up a couple "accessories" for her photo shoot which will take place on Sunday. Hopefully she'll be in a good mood and we can get some smiles for her 3 month pictures. After shopping we went over to visit Grandma. We had to put a car seat in her vehicle and make sure that she could figure out the stroller. We had dinner over there, had a minor meltdown, and then came home.
Today we were back at the hospital for our Tuesday group. Ava must have really turned Charlie off last week because he wasn't there this week. Looks like she'll have to find a new boyfriend. Today she weighed in at 15 lbs. Looks like she'll soon be moving into Carter's brand 9 months clothing when she is only 3 months old. I swear, she doesn't look obese (well maybe a little chunky in the thigh area). :)
Tomorrow will hopefully be a day of snuggles, smiles, and little conversations before I head back to work on Thursday. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!
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