Friday, July 25, 2014

While Ava's away...

Ava left this past Sunday to spend the week with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Brent, and her cousins. She was so excited to go on vacation and attend VBS at their church.  For the most part, she's had a great time and stayed very busy.  There were those three phone calls where she was hysterically crying, "I want a hug and kiss from you and Daddy, Friday is to far away, I miss you, I want you to be on vacation with me.".  Yeah, those were heartwrenching phone calls.  At one point I began to wonder if we were going to have to meet them in Clear Lake at midnight to pick her up.  I'm not so sure that Aunt Lisa signed up for that.  However, she survived and has been enjoying her time at the movies, swim pool, and ice cream shop.  We will be looking forward to seeing her this evening.  She already reminded Aunt Lisa that she gets to stay up late and wait for us. 

Last week I thought about all the things that we were going to get done while she was gone, and how Nate and I would have all this time together.  Yeah right!  We did get our big project done, and that's about it.  We got Ava's bedroom painted.  Yes, it's pink and lavender.  I think she's going to love it.  We have a friend painting canvases to hang on the wall, and picked out a few other things to decorate with.  Although Nate and I didn't get a romantic night out (or in for that matter), it feels good to have that project done. 

We're getting ready for another big move.  The kids are switching daycares after this upcoming week.  They will start at a center (they are currently in home with a stay at home mom) on August 4th.  I'm slightly anxious about how Grant will transition.  He's used to being with Cyndi, since that's all he's known from 12 weeks of age.  With that being said, I know in my heart that this is what is best for both of the kids.  There are many factors that led up to this decision, and it was very difficult to tell Cyndi that we would be leaving.  Like I said though, we have to do what we believe is best for our kids.  I'll keep you posted on the transition.  The kids and I will stop by there next Thursday to meet their teachers and hang out for awhile (Grant and I already did this once). 

Yesterday was a big day for Mema.  She had her first chemo treatment.  Please keep her in your prayers, as we pray for strength, health, and minimal side effects. 

Well we're off to IA.  Enjoy your weekend!

PS-I finally found the pictures that I downloaded from my phone onto the computer.  
I'm not sure if Grant's playing golf or football here. 

Nice form by Ava

I took the kids to a park/splash pad near our house last week.  Ava had a great time running through the water and playing on the playground.  Grant enjoyed the playground, but didn't want to get close to any water. 

Enjoying some Mr.  Freezes on the front steps on a hot summer day
Two weeks ago we were back in Benton County for my mom's birthday and my 15 year high school class reunion.  These amazing women became my best friends 19 years ago, and remain my best friends today.  I am so very lucky to have them in my life. 
Ava informed us at dinner this night that she made a "fat Jesus" (aka Flat Jesus) at VBS that day.  I love this girl!
Hand in hand...I hope they'll always be this way.
Last Saturday Ava & Daddy went to one of Ava's favorite places, Donut Star.  Grant was super pumped when they brought him back this giant donut.  Yes, he ate all of it. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


This is a much overdo post.  I've been anxious to get some pictures of our week at the cabin up, but our computer was sick.  I sent it with Uncle Brent (the computer Dr.) to get it fixed so it was out for 2 weeks and is now back up and going after a large surgery.  Thanks Uncle Brent!!! 

So yes, three weeks ago we headed up to the cabin to spend a few days with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Brent, and the 5 cousins.  They arrived on Sunday and stayed until Wednesday afternoon.  The weather was cool, but we still had a great time.  We're hoping that next year they'll come and stay a little longer.  Thursday Mema & Boppa arrived, and Friday Uncle Wes & Aunt Janna arrived.

We spent the 4th of July going to a parade, Grant's first.  Ava loved picking up candy, although she's not quite as aggressive as some of the others up there.  That evening we headed over to Grandma Nena's and Grandpa Dick's for a BBQ.  Saturday afternoon we packed up and headed home in time to go to a party down the street.

Here are some pictures from our time up there.  I'm still trying to figure out where the pictures from mini golfing went.  Hopefully they will appear in the next post. 

Working on our hula hooping

Taking care of the yard (while still holding onto his ball)
Even Grant got to play football (he's not quite as serious about it as cousin Reece who is decked out in his full football uniform/pads/helmet)
Ava's kick off
Getting ready to head out and swim in the very cold lake.
Ava wasn't so sure about riding the jet ski.  However, by the end she was yelling, "faster, faster"
Reece & Ava enjoying one of many snacks throughout the day.
Oops, the boat died while Nate had the girls out tubing.  Brent towed it in using the jet ski. 
 Looks like Grant is looking for a new car

Ava wearing her goggles in the boat.  I love how dorky she looks in this picture.  Makes me laugh every time I see it. 

Grant LOVED corn on the cob (although there's not much he doesn't like)
A little picnic while waiting for the parade to start
Daddy, Mema, & Mommy at the parade
Ha!  Grant loves himself some banana.

Having fun at the parade

Doing a little trimming of the flowers they planted earlier this summer.